Lifestyle in News

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Media: Love it, hate it but you can't ignore it

WITH A lot being said about commercialisation of the media, ethics of Indian journalism getting tainted at every instance and journalists being questioned of their integrity, the media surely has come a long way from being a sect that induces information amongst a large group of people. It has evolved as an entity taking various elements in its being as per the demand of time. The media has undergone various developmental phases to become what it is today.

No matter how badly we criticise it for selling away its power of influencing public opinion, it remains inevitable that we hugely depend on it for our daily dose of news, entertainment and sometimes all the masala that becomes our dining table discussion. Having said that, our firm belief finds roots in the fact that we are as involved with the media as it is with us- ‘the commoners’, ‘the aam admi’, ‘the masses’ or a more popular term that a coming of age movie coined for ‘we the people’- ‘the mango people.’

All the hue and cry about how people are enraged with the media for unethical conduct, crossing boundaries and irresponsibly reporting issues of national concern is just like the fizz which mellows down after the corks pops out. All the questions being raised about how can the media so blatantly intrude in the lives of public figures and expose their private lives in the public domain, has been talked about for quite some time now. Celebrities and public figures have been condemning the media for this act forever. But when you question them about abandoning the media, all go mum. All the credit they gobble and leave the leftovers, that is the accusations, the rage and the blame for the media.

We must give credit to the fourth estate for surviving all these blows and still being able to make way into our bedrooms, being a part of our discussions and lastly making us a part of it. This is just one instance that emphasises on the power and importance of the media. Then we have all the scams, the investigative reports, the revelations which expose the wrong doers and instil a fear for the media. Those who understand this power try taming the media by all means but that is a different story all together.

No one can disagree that the media today is very powerful in almost every sense. With its diversification, it has strengthened its roots and has been able to combat the lashes of time. Allowing space for public opinion has only added to its glory. With the advent of new media basically online journalism the power of the media has increased by leaps and bound. Be it online journalism, citizen journalism, blogging or micro blogging; all this has not only given the people chance to voice their opinions but also allowed them to strengthen their views and write without the fear of being objected.

Today micro blogging has become a means that disseminates news. 160 characters have created news stories. Call it meagre or call it insignificant, the scams that have been in the fore front lately has come to the public domain because as yet there is no quasi judicial body that aims to regulate the flow of news of information online. One click and you already know, give your opinion, create a thread and lo! Everyone gets talking.

This does not for once mean that the traditional media is taking a backseat. All that this article aims to emphasise on is that come what may the media has been evolving and will evolve with time to grow in stature. It has been powerful enough to influence public opinion always but today by vesting the power in the hands of the people it has not only stretched its boundaries but also proven that it is not only the media but is also the message.

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