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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Boxing Day History ,traditions

BOXING DAY takes place a day after Christmas every year, i.e. on December 26. Boxing Day is also a public holiday in U.S., Canada, Austalia, New Zealand, European countries, African nations, North American countries and all over the world dominated with the Christan majority. The day is also considered as St. Stephen's Day.

Under the rule of Queen Victoria in the 19th century, the Boxing Day originated in England. Boxing Day history provides multiple theories behind its tradition.

One of the tradition behind the Boxing Day was said that in older times servants would bring boxes to work with them on the next working day for their lords to put coins in. Another story about Boxing day is also popular that the boxes placed in churches where parishioners deposited coins for the poor were opened and the contents distributed on December 26.

In modern traditions, people exchange gifts in a box to family and friends with lots of food, gift, etc. They also present gifts to people, who have helped them like tradesmen, mail carriers, doormen, porters and others.

December 26 is also celebrated as the second day of the twelve Days of Christmas festive days popular as Christmastide, beginning from Christmas Day.

More On >> Christmas 2010 , Christmas Celebrations

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