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Monday, September 6, 2010

Pregnancy tips for women

PREGNANCY IS regarded as one of the most important time in a woman's life. This is a period wherein a pregnant woman needs to carefully follow her physician's advice. The advice eventually land up helping the mother and the new born. The rule of the thumb is, whenever a woman gets the first signs of being pregnant woman needs to ensure that good prenatal care is undertaken which will be good for both mother and the baby.

It is highly adviced that regular checkups be conducted without missing out on even one appointment. In rare cases, if problems are detected, an early solution to the problem will yield better results.

One of the best advices that physicians give is quitting cigarettes before getting pregnant and definitely when pregnancy is detected. Passive smoking too, takes a serious toll on the unborn's health and so preventive measures need to be taken to ensure that the surroundings are absolutely smoke free. Same goes with alcohol, it has not yet been proven that intake of alcohol, even in small quantities in any way, helps the baby. It is best if these two things are kept at a bay.

The best way in which both the mother as well as the baby will keep themselves healthier is exercising. The amount of time spent in exercising shows its results directly in the labour room where the woman has to struggle less, reduces the need of going in for cesarean and above all, it helps the woman in getting back to her pre-pregnancy shape.

Talking to your physician will help a great deal as he/she will be guide you on the type of food that has to be eaten and a favorable position in which a woman has to sleep. Eating food high in fibre, folates, iron and calcium is likely that a physician might recommend. Drinking plenty of water too helps, minimum 6-8 glasses on a daily basis.

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