Lifestyle in News

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pregnancy Tips :Don’t use Pills for sickness in Pregnancy

Pregnant ? thinking of taking something to avoid the dreaded morning sickness,don’t do this adviced from scientists who studied medicines and other remedies aimed at curing the condition.

Their conclusion is that no reliable treatment exists to prevent morning sickness. Some claiming to do so even have unpleasant side-effects, they say.

The exact causes of morning sickness are unknown but up to 85 per cent of pregnant women experience nausea, with half of those suffering vomiting.

Some turn to acupuncture, vitamin B6 and ginger but these will do little, the researchers add. In fact, ginger causes heartburn in some women.

‘A number of studies appeared to show benefits but in general the results were inconsistent’ said lead researcher Dr Anne Matthews, of Dublin City University’s school of nursing.

‘It was difficult to draw firm conclusions about any one.

‘We were also unable to obtain much information about whether these treatments are actually making a difference to women’s quality of life.’

She added: ‘The difficulties in interpreting the results of the studies highlight the need for further trials.’

One of the few treatments that led to slight improvements was acustimulation, where mild electrical stimulation is applied to acupuncture pressure points.


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