Lifestyle in News

Monday, September 12, 2011

Now watch Champions League T20 in Player’s eye-view

With technological advances, the voice of the on-field player wired with a microphone synchronized with the commentators, were already made available to the audience. Now in this edition of the Champions League T20, technology will show you exactly how it feels to be fielding in a certain position, to avoid a bouncer, fielding at sleep cordons , all will happen thanks to the ‘eye-cam’ the player will be wearing in CPLT20. The images captured will only be broadcast during the innings break.

ESPN Star Sports, official broadcaster of CLT20 2011 is to launch a camera enabled special pair of shades, which will be worn by one fielder for three overs during the innings. It will be on experimental basis. Aloke Malik, managing director of ESPN Software India Pvt Ltd says “We wanted to try something new this time and that is why we have designed a special eye-cam for the Champions League“. It will be a unique design so that players can use it and will provide the best images from the field.”

Malik also said that eye-cam will not disturb the vision of the player as the camera will be placed in between the frames.

More In >> Champions League T20, Champions League 2011

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