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Thursday, February 3, 2011

ICC cautions cricket fans about email fraud related to World Cup

DURING THE previous International Cricket Council (ICC) World Cup tournaments, it was noticed that some unknown companies had sent e-mail to fans indicating that they had won cash awards as part of ICC sweepstakes or other prize competitions, which were nothing but fake. These e- mails most often instructed fans to provide personal details, including bank account information and to wire funds to a third party bank account to facilitate their receipt of the award.

Most of these companies turned out to be fake and their objective only is to dupe the gullible fans of their hard earned money.

To ensure that people are not caught in this type of fraud, the ICC has issued notice to all fans across the world that neither does the ICC conduct nor authorise any such sweepstakes or prize promotions nor does it appoint any third parties to do so.

ICC has stated that it never asks anyone to send or confirm personal information via e-mail or to wire funds to a bank account for award eligibility. ICC has asked the readers to note that if they do happen to receive an e-mail from someone proposing to be an agent of ICC or other company that asks for personal information etc., then they should avoid responding to it. 

It is most likely a deceitful e-mail and the sole purpose is principally illegal gain. ICC said "All are requested to put all these type of mails in blocked e-mail or spam e-mail list or delete it forever. It is best you immediately notify your local law enforcement agency."

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