Lifestyle in News

Thursday, January 13, 2011

PSEB engineers Association caution Government on new thermal projects without bidding

PSEB Engineers Association has cautioned the State government about setting up the new thermal projects without competitive bidding in private sector.

Punjab Government is contemplating signing more memorandums of understandings and power purchase agreements with private firms ignoring emerging demand supply scenario in 12th Five year plan and without knowing at what rate power would be available. These projects include setting up thermal plant at Mansa by India Bulls, One project by Emta and another gas based thermal plant through MOU route.

Bhupinder Singh, General Secretary of association said that ignoring two basic parameters like power demand supply and tariff while entering in to agreements for power purchase would be against the commercial interests of PSPCL and right of consumers to avail power at affordable rates.

Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has already made observations on the state government’s generation policy which is not in line with national tariff policy and national electricity policy which encourages competition.

Punjab Government has already planned 540 Mw Goindwal sahib thermal,2460 Mw Thermal at Talwandi Sabo, 2100 Mw thermal at Rajpura in private sector and 2640 MW thermal at Gidderwaha by NTPC. It may be mentioned that one unit each at Talwandi Sabo and Rajpura has been allowed through MOU route under new generation policy.

HS Bedi, President of Association said that it can be concluded that state government is completely withdrawing from its responsibility too develop power generation as no project has been planned in state sector.

Bedi further said the association has planned a seminar at Chandigarh on January 24 to discuss the issue. Former Union Power Secretary R V Shahi will deliver key note address.

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