Lifestyle in News

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tests now easy, Genetic test kits available from Friday

GOOD NEWS for all the health freaks, next time you go out to shop better buy yourself The Insight personal genetic testing kit. This kit will help you check diseases like Alzheimer, breast cancer and dozen others. The kit will be available in the market by Friday, making Walgreens the first American store to sell at-home test kit.

The kit will make the test as easy as one of those pregnancy tests that can be done at home these days. The marketers are of the opinion that it will help people to ensure that they are living a healthy life and can get to know more about a disease much before consulting the doctor. On the other hand the counselors are worried that consumer may not understand test result and can misuse it.

Pathway Genomics has not got The Food and Drug Administration approval; because the company believes that its test meets federal regulations. According to them, the tests are not an in-vitro medical device and are not intended for use in diagnosis treatment or cure of diseases. The company feels that everyone has a right to know more about the hidden secrets of their DNA.

The test kit is available for $20 to$30 and the buyer also gets a vial and mailing envelope with it. One can mail the samples of saliva and then check the results online. The reports costs $79 to $179 depending upon the type of test one undergoes.

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