Lifestyle in News

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mobile tariffs to be cut

The Communications and IT Minister, A Raja announces that he intends to bring down mobile tariffs on both local and inter-State calls. The minister also announced that the 3G spectrum auction would be completed soon.

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Tags: Mobile Tariffs India, Communications and IT Minister, Call Tariffs Rates India, Telecommunication in India, Telecommunication News

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Richard Branson set to buy Playboy?

With the advent of the Internet and the increasing availability of free porn, the Playboy busi-ness has been struggling to remain viable. Playboy remains the top-selling men's magazine in US but sales have dropped to an all-time low. Hence the sale..

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Sania Mirza to tie the knot with Sohrab Mirza

The tennis sensation of India, Sania Mirza is all set to tie the knot with Sohrab Mirza, son of the Hyderabadi business tycoon Adil Mirza, sources revealed. Sohrab was Sania's classmate and they have been friends for a long time.

More on: Sania Mirza to tie the knot with Sohrab Mirza

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Laser eye surgery


LASER TREATMENTS have become integral to refractive eye surgery procedures although they were not used for ophthalmology initially. It is said that the first laser was developed at Bell Labs in 1958. The researchers were working on microwaves and wanted a way to see the molecules more clearly. The first working laser was demonstrated on 16 May 1960 by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. It used a ruby crystal that generated a red light at 694 nanometers wavelength. Since then, lasers have become a multi-billion dollar industry.

More on: Laser eye surgery

Virgin to buy Playboy?

According to reports in UK media, Virgin owner Richard Branson is going to buy America's best selling men's magazine Playboy for $300 million, thrice the market price of the magazine. Official sources have however, refused to comment on the issue.

More on: Virgin to buy Playboy?

Love, or a play of chemicals?


Love - no matter how corny it sounds, but the more one tries to explain it, the lesser it seems to suffice. But our writer tries to do just that in the following article. Read on to find out more about this mind boggling feeling!.

More on: Love, or a play of chemicals?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Are you emotionally intelligent?

Teachers need to understand that emotional expression may be irrational or unhealthy and they should be able to provide counselling to children if negative emotions are exhibited. Teachers need to be emotionally mature..

More on: Are you emotionally intelligent?

Tags: emotional intelligence, emotions expressions, human behavior, love and emotion, love and relationships

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dealing with romantic relationships

SOME PEOPLE are secretive by nature and wait for the right time. Others may like to keep quite because of family pressure. Similarly there can be several other reasons, but if you fail to convince your partner of the need to keep a lid on the affair, he/she may take it in a negative context. It’s great to have your partner around, almost eight hours a day. However, it would be better to keep your private life, private, at work.

Reena, a working woman, is in a realtionship with one of her colleagues. Though the relationship they share is beautiful, their co-workers make every possible effort to unnerve them. She reveals, “If he doesn’t come for a day, people ask me about his whereabouts. The moment we step out for a smoke, all heads turn towards us.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dealing with romantic relationships

SOME PEOPLE are secretive by nature and wait for the right time. Others may like to keep quiet because of family pressure. Similarly there can be several other reasons, but if you fail to convince your partner of the need to keep a lid on the affair, he/she may take it in a negative context. It’s great to have your partner around, almost eight hours a day. However, it would be better to keep your private life, private, at work.

Reena, a working woman, is going around with one of her colleagues. Though the relationship they share is beautiful, their co-workers make every possible effort to unnerve them. She reveals, “If he doesn’t come for a day, people ask me about his whereabouts. The moment we step out for a smoke, all heads turn towards us. Many times, I have overheard people gossiping about us. At times it irritates me so much that I find it difficult to concentrate on my work.”

More on: Dealing with romantic relationships

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Jesus Brand

THE WORLD is of branding. No, it’s not marketing. Marketing has lost that ‘X-factor’. It’s branding now. Just have a fair glance at our local deities - Aamir Khan is brand perfectionist, Lalu is brand rural India, Shahrukh is brand metrosexual and the Stick Bebo is brand size zero. Everybody is feeding on their own brand, even living on it. Branding is the talk of the town. This trend has only created the demand of the mushrooming advertising agencies and brand promotion organisations.

English artisan Josian Wedgwood was the first to build the modern business brand. Wedgwood was able to develop demand for his tablewares and command premium price over comparable tableware and other products.

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Love: Now and then

TODAY, LOVE is the passion of the 21st century. A century where love is in air in different forms of culture. Love is nothing but a world of dreams where people try to forget the reality of life.

In today’s modern world, love actually means exchange of gift and valuable things, which makes people happy. According to me, in most of the cases, if you want to love a person you need to have money to spend on the person you love.

More on: Love: Now and then

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tum ho toh... Celebrating friendship

IT WAS one of the new Airbus 321 planes that Air India has begun to introduce on its domestic routes. I tried on the in flight entertainment for the sheer experience of it. For long, I have been used to carrying my own entertainment on board in the form of a book. I tuned into a video channel. The Farhan Akhtar film Rock On was showing. In fact it was about the end when the band Magick is getting ready to play for one lest time. It is a very different world from the one where they began playing as a band in their early youth.

Two of the four have moved on from their youthful sojourn with music and made some thing of their lives – they are successful... success in terms of what we usually define as success. Two others had not been so lucky. At the time of this final concert, one of them in fact was dying and one other was emigrating after not managing to make any thing much of his life in India.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Three cheers for you, Ma!

MA, THAT was the first thing that came to my mind, as I sat there alone at the platform... dad had just left for my hometown... I was in a new place, a new city…A destination that I had chosen for myself… I thought about a hundred things… about my new hostel... about my internship that was going to begin the next day, and I found myself coming back to Ma…
Back at home, I had struggled with her, packing in thing for my stay. In the afternoon, I managed to have a siesta, while my Ma meticulously wrote out a list of things she had packed and what to find where. She had woken me up an hour and a half later, with cookies and a hot cup of tea and we sat down in our garden talking about how fast life moves on. We had then moved over to other things, jumping from topic to topic, talking about a hundred million things.

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Adults choose Mom over Dad!

FOLKS WRITE songs, poems, and even sport tattoos praising mom and now the results of a new national survey should make moms feel even more special.  Just in time for Mother’s Day, a new national poll found 70 percent (7 out of 10) adult children would overwhelmingly choose their mom over their dad to move in with them if their elderly parents could not take care of themselves.  The survey was commissioned by Senior Helpers, the nation’s fastest growing provider of in-home care for seniors.

By a slightly smaller margin, 67 per cent of the respondents say if mom was not able to move in, they would prefer mom live on her own with help, rather than move into a nursing home or assisted living facility. In addition, 80 per cent (8 out of 10) of both men and women say they would pay out of their own pocket for their mom or dad’s care. 

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's life without a good laugh!

WORLD LAUGHTER Day was started in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria of Mumbai, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. Now, it is celebrated globally on the first Sunday of May every year. This year, it was celebrated on May 3 worldwide.According to the organisers, the celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. According to Barbara Johnson, “Laughter is the language of the young at heart and the antidote to what ails us. No drugstore prescription is required; laughter is available to anyone at any time. Laughter’s benefits are felt immediately. With large doses, the benefits had shown our face, on our body language, and in the spring in our step. God gave us this capacity to be tickled way deep down inside. Giggles are as contagious as a viral disease.

More on: What's life without a good laugh!