Lifestyle in News

Thursday, April 30, 2009

An evening with Lord Krishna

ISKON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) organized an evening full of devotion to god and spirituality at Prerna Dham, Sector-15, Faridabad on 26 April. The event was actually marked as the closing of the weekend seminar on spirituality called “The journey of self discovery”.

The seminar was attended by more than 150 participants all of were working professionals from different MNCs. It was also aligned with the starting of “Chandan Yatra Festival” from Monday 27 April. The highlight of the evening was the staging of a popular play called ’GOD ON TRIAL’ by ISKCON’s famous Drama troupe ’Vaikuntha Players’. AdiYogi Das,

More on: An evening with Lord Krishna

Shoe: The new weapon against 'the powerful'

THE JOOTA, (shoe), is not a weapon but has suddenly turned out to be an effective tool to express your wrath, anger and resentment.

Shoes have always been known as a tool for dealing with erring people, pick pockets, eve teasers and roadside goons but who knew that the status of the shoe will rise from an article of humiliation for roadside law breakers and morally degraded people to a weapon against people as elite as George Bush and P Chidambaram?

More on: Shoe: The new weapon against 'the powerful'

Spiritual science can save the world

THE WORLD is facing the worst ever crisis today, which is threatening to engulf the peace and harmony on Planet Earth. I wish to convey the following message to the think tank of the world, so that they can analyse the situation to save mankind from further doom.

The present world crisis was foreseen by the sages and astrologers of Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism thousands of years ago. The ‘New Innovative Method’ of Spiritual Science, as discovered by Guru Siyag, a spiritual genius from India, can save mankind from the world crisis.

More on: Spiritual science can save the world

The Lost Faith

WITH THE passage of time and the advancement of the generation, there has emerged a wide gap between thoughts and the application of thoughts. The way to live, the way to look at things and moreover the faith people repose in each other has now become mere words or phrases that we find in a dictionary . While turning the pages of history,  we notice a lot of differences in people - the people who lived then and the people who live now. The word ‘faith’ has lost its relevance.

As Indian culture evolved over a period of time, the only thing which had held the whole country together was 'faith'.  There were times when people used to periodically check if their counterparts stood by faith .

More on: The Lost Faith

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Book review: ‘No Place to Die’

SUICIDE, BROUGHT about by a bullying psychiatrist and anti-depressants should never happen. Unfortunately it did. Jann McPherson tells of the shortcomings of the mental health system in her newly released book. ‘No Place to Die’ is a penetrating, honest and revealing account of psychiatry written by mother Jann McPherson of her daughter Gretel’s tragic and unnecessary death. Jann refuses to let her daughter’s death be swept under the carpet and she wants to hold accountable those who were responsible, not just for the sake of Gretel but for others too, who died under the same system.

Gretel was 24 years of age, beautiful, intelligent and talented, with everything to live for. She died hanging, after voluntary admission to a Perth psychiatric hospital, from a bed curtain rail after a journey of tragic decline.

More on: Book review: ‘No Place to Die’

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Random thoughts of a mad woman

BELOW ARE some of many random thoughts, which keep haunting me, and keep me mesmerised ,they keep me hooked to you .These are all courtesy Khalil Gibran .I remember when Amrita (Pritam) spoke of first melody, first painting , first words . I envy them to have thought and said it before I do. I curse myself for not being the first painting ,the first melody, but I am there, I was there and will always remain…..will always remain ….

You ask me how I became a mad woman. It happened thus: One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen—the seven masks I have fashioned and worn in seven lives—I ran mask less through the crowded streets shouting, “Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves.”

More on: Random thoughts of a mad woman

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Salman-Katrina-Asin love triangle a hoax!

SALMAN KHAN has been haunted for too long. Whether he is unfriendly or friendly to media doesn’t really make any difference. His silence has been misconstrued, time and again.

Gossip mongers have separated him from his long-time girlfriend Katrina and linked him to the latest Bollywood sensation Asin Thottumkal. But even before the silence is broken, one can sense it to be the handiwork of some idle minds.

More on: Salman-Katrina-Asin love triangle a hoax!

What is swine flu virus?

A NEW strain of swine flu virus has killed a few hundred in Mexico and is causing illness to many in the United States. In order to stop the spread of this flu we need to pay attention to health warnings and take precautions.

Pigs spread their own strains of influenza to humans after contact with them. But, medical experts are saying the new strain of virus is a mix of pig viruses with some human and bird viruses.

Unlike more typical and common swine flu, it seems to be spreading from one person to another. Flu viruses can live on surfaces for several hours, like a doorknob, latches and handles. Swine influenza viruses don’t spread through food.

More on: What is swine flu virus?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Laugh away your worries

According to a French doctor, laughter deepens upon breathing, improves blood circulation, speeds up the process of tissue healing and stabilises many body functions..

More on: Laugh away your worries

Prima Donna Deepika Padukone

Deepika Padukone took to modeling at an early age, while still in college and was a supermodel before she turned to acting. Her height, slenderness and fresh looking face have gone a long way in making her a supermodel and stand out from the crowd.

More on: Indian Bollywood Actress

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Light of consciousness

The whole of the universe, the whole of our existence, is full of conscious cosmic energy. From energy alone can all manifestation come to being. Even to perceive oneself as oneself, consciousness is needed. Can there be any creation without energy?.

More on: Meaning of Consciousness

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Suicide and mercy killing a global battle of law

Suicide and euthanasia are two totally different ways of ending life. Right to life does not include right to die. In the case of euthanasia a person can decide to terminate his life after consulting and taking expert opinion of medical practitioners.

More on: Suicide and mercy killing a global battle of law

Best of both worlds

Women today have the option of postponing motherhood till a later date by having their eggs frozen and conceiving whenever they wish to via in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In India in 2006 Mumbai boasted the country's first ova bank.

More on: Best of both worlds

Can a man and woman be friends?

The great debate of can men and women be friends have kept several thinker wondering even till date. Perhaps, a friendship between the opposite sex is possible but only if both follow a set of rules and curtail the level of intimacy in relationship.

More on: man woman relationship

Divorce: A savage emotional journey

Divorce breaks a person badly. Those who have gone through divorce have mixed feelings about the pro-marriage movements but most say there is life after divorce even though it takes months, even years, to discover it.

More on: Divorce: A savage emotional journey

Future is here

There is the famous story of Abraham Lincoln. He dreamt that he saw that he was murdered and his corpse was in a particular room in the White House with mourners whom he readily recognised. He got up disturbed and told his wife about the dream....

More on: Future generation

Miss India World 2009 homecoming

To honour the homecoming of the Femina Miss India World 2009 Pooja Chopra, her family, friends and Pageant Coach Ritika Ramtri Kumar, recently threw a bash at The Tiara Pageant Training Studio. She said she is thrilled to be back home.

More on: Miss India World 2009 homecoming

Monday, April 13, 2009

Children soft targets of sexual abuse

Are children safe in this world? The answer is no. They are not safe from sexual abuse from their neighbours, teachers, and even from their guardians in some cases. Government should make a separate Act to execute the convicts of child sexual abuse..

More on: Children soft targets of sexual abuse

Barbie dolls: Timeless beauty

In her five decades, Barbie and her many friends have pioneered career choices. And it’s not just kids, who love Barbie. Her audience has grown to include adults, both men and women, particularly in the past two decades..

More on: Barbie dolls: Timeless beauty

Marriage: A ‘relation’ or ‘profession’

Marriage has become a profession for Indian women as the Kausar Begum case has highlighted. Rampant misuse of marital laws has created a huge income generation opportunity for women with nefarious designs..

More on: Marriage: A ‘relation’ or ‘profession’

Friday, April 10, 2009

The world of body art

Fashion trends change very fast. Humans have been adorning their bodies with natural pigments, paints, tattoos, dyes, clay, mehndi and even ashes for centuries. A look at the changing trends in body art..

More on: The world of body art

How can I lose weight promptly

There are many ways to lose weight. Personal commitment is the most important factor. A balanced diet, plenty of water and regular exercise should make the task of losing weight easier. If your family has a history of diabetes, lose weight fast!.

More on: How can I lose weight promptly

Reaction time versus life span

One?s reaction time can indicate how long one will live and how healthy one?s life will be if the recent findings of a study conducted by researchers are anything to go by. The findings will help in fine-tuning the learning techniques and games.

More on: Reaction time versus life span

Yoga - Dragon Red

The Red Dragon is the only yoga studio in Marin County, offering a combined programme of Bikram Yoga and Power Yoga. New and long-time students develop at their own levels in each class under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor.

More on: Yoga - Dragon Red

Learn how you are fooled

Many manufacturers are out to cheat the consumer by devious methods. The techniques are subtle and play upon the psychology of gullible consumers. Taken to court they may legally win the battle but would certainly lose on ethical or moral grounds.

More on: Learn how you are fooled

Quarter life crisis

Everyone goes through the phase where they feel like nothing seems to be going their way. For a youngster, the dilemma is even more prominent. However, as always, having friends one can talk to helps. .

More on: Quarter life crisis

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Loneliness: Enlighten yourself

As Osho stated, one wouldn't try to push darkness out of a dark room so as to bring in light. That is impossible because darkness doesn't really exist. Rather, it's simply the absence of light. So the answer is to turn on the light..

More on: Loneliness: Enlighten yourself

Some like it black!

The typical Gothic fashion conscious would be a person who has jet back hair, heavy black eyeliner, dark finger nails (black nail paint) and wears all black clothes. These are accessorised with tons of silver and metallic jewellery.

More on: Some like it black!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What do you know about a walking stick?

For elders, walking sticks improve the balance while walking. Various types of canes and their uses are described, including some unusual ones. Proper use of walking sticks can prevent costly hospitalisation resulting from falls..

More on: What do you know about a walking stick?

Cell phones, video games do not affect studies

The study also says that there is no relation between video games and lower grade point averages. It also states that playing video games does not affect the mathematical skills and plays a positive relationship with visual-spatial skills..

More on: Cell phones, video games do not affect studies