Lifestyle in News

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Are you a human or a man?

Is it that human beings have done so much harm that they have lost the right to be compared to animals...? What is the difference between man or a woman, and a human being? Is it true that we have lost humanity? To find out answers, read on...

More on: Are you a human or a man?

Shield yourself from unhappy people

Energy begets energy. This is a reflection of physiology but also explains emotions. What you give out is what you receive. So send out enough positivity, you may compel it into the negative person’s shield and wind up helping them as well..

More on: Shield yourself from unhappy people

Friday, March 27, 2009

Help! I'm not falling in love!

Everyone around seems to be suddenly falling in love. There was a time when I was even two-timing, there's this time when I'm pretty decent. Yet never have I fallen in love nor do I understand what love means. What the hell's going on with me?.

More on: Help! I'm not falling in love!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Intelligence is determined by genes

Over the years, one of the debates in psychology has been, as to what determines intelligence ? genes or environment? A new study has led credence to the view that intelligence has a strong genetic basis.

More on: Intelligence is determined by genes

CA student gives new lease of life to six patients

One never knows when something that one might have said may prove to come in use, especially so soon. The following is a story of selflessness and true generosity, and it serves as an eye opener for all.

More on: CA student gives new lease of life to six patients

Monday, March 23, 2009

Destiny is the expression of efforts made

Whenever we run into struggles and reverses in the course of our lives, the question arises: Are we playthings in the hands of the forces of nature or slaves of a God who presides over the affairs of the world? Or, are we helpless creatures?.

More on: Destiny is the expression of efforts made

Addictions: Positive and negative

Addiction is a very strong unconscious habit which is hard to drop. There is an inner compulsion of repeating it over and over again. There are two types of addiction in life. One is a negative addiction and the other positive.

More on: Addictions: Positive and negative

Drugs ruined my friend's life

It is a humble request to everyone - Please do not fall into the trap of drugs. No doubt, it can give you temporal relief but will permanently ruin your life just as I have lost my friend. I do not want others to lose their friends and dear ones.

More on: Drugs ruined my friend's life

Go, tell that you love

When you love someone, let the person know. Life's strange, never leave any room for regrets that could make you think of the quality time you should have spent with someone but never did. Things that you should have done for someone but never did.

More on: Go, tell that you love

Natural colon: A healthy body cleanser

A new herbal colon cleanse product is being introduced at with a free trial offer to encourage consumers to learn more about the health and weight loss benefits of natural colon cleansers .

More on: Natural colon: A healthy body cleanser

Endless expectations

The list of our expectations have zillion of things. Everybody expects something or the other. It's true that we cannot stop expecting, but we should be more careful of what we expect and from whom we expect..

More on: Endless expectations

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jade Goody and the sanctity of death

It has long been said of our time that we have lost the sanctity of life; now it would appear that we have lost the sanctity for death too. The question of how private and how dignified should death be is an important one.

More on: Jade Goody and the sanctity of death

Pocket money and teenagers: How much is enough?

Though unemployed, a number of teenagers have a growing amount of money at their disposal. Money joins appearance, intelligence levels, sexuality, religion and race on the list of issues on which a teen is singled out.

More on: Pocket money and teenagers: How much is enough?

Loss of mental strength leads to tragic end

You have to invest in your physical wellbeing, or else your efforts will have to be invested in your body to keep it fit. The former costs nothing. Regular Yoga, breathing exercise and disciplined life helps you to keep your age and stress aside.

More on: Loss of mental strength leads to tragic end

Media closes its eyes to sex trade advertisements

The old Bollywood movies’ cliché “Koi bhi ladki apni marji se is dhande me nahi utarti” (no girl enters prostitution with her consent) is likely to appear false today. The rates vary from Rs 10k per couple of hours to Rs 1 lakh for a night or more.

More on: Media closes its eyes to sex trade advertisements

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

India's ancient 'Desi' paintings make their mark

Paintings in India have a long and glorious history. Some of the oldest works like those of Raja Ravi Varma have acquired antique status and are rarely in circulation. ?Desi? paintings have a number of variations and are appreciated world over .

More on: India's ancient 'Desi' paintings make their mark

Cosmetic makeovers: The latest beauty trend

Many youngsters are going for plastic makeovers to look good. Youngsters with fat bellies and thighs are putting themselves under the knife for faster results. Though termed as a fad, such surgeries are a blessing for those with burn deformities.

More on: Cosmetic makeovers: The latest beauty trend

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Small social issues too need immediate attention

Disabled and sick people should be allowed to produce documents to get faster services through dedicated counters. Though this ruling seems to be in place in some banks, uniformity needs to be maintained.

More on: Small social issues too need immediate attention

Monday, March 16, 2009

Help is nearby, just ask for it

If you ever considered this great multitude of people around you exists merely for company try getting into some real trouble and chances are that these very people come to your rescue in no time, sometimes without even your asking..

More on: Help is nearby, just ask for it

Friday, March 6, 2009

Now, police will judge works of art!

Pablo Picasso said, "Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous. Where it is chaste, it is not art." In India, the cop knows art better!.

More on: Now, police will judge works of art!

Is there another world in our world

Is there another world in our world? A world that is very much alive, kicking and able to propel or drop those it thinks need to learn lessons during this lifetime? Much of what is happening does it have a predestined objective?.

More on: Is there another world in our world

Recipe for a healthy life

Many of us plead lack of time to implement initiatives for a healthy life or simply fall off the wagon after a few days of trying them. So how do we make them work for us? A few changes can make a huge difference within a few months.

More on: Recipe for a healthy life

Why can't every slumdog be a millionare!

The trust for the Slumdog kids may benefit two or three or hundred kids who worked in the movie but what about the kids in the other slums of India. There are thousands more Dharavis in India and millions more kids like them.

More on: Why can't every slumdog be a millionare!