Lifestyle in News

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Silence a beauty or a thought?

Silence is killing when it comes along with loneliness. We fight with ourselves; our positive thoughts convert into negative ones. The charm and beauty of life starts to vanish from our dictionary and we just think about what we don’t have.

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Love is for all and sundry

It is strange to think that some people who claim themselves to be religious disciples, are averse to the beautiful sentiment of love. And act as disciplinarians for a thing, which encompasses piety and pureness so similar to the definition of God.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Break free of the shackles of materialism

There is a craving in every one of us to rise higher without looking back and it does not even matter if we are trampling others and stepping on them in this process. Always in the want of fake identities, man has a quenching thirst to boost his ego.

more on: Break free of the shackles of materialism

Third Age Learning for senior citizens

Scientists say that we had better use our brains lest we should lose it. This is true even when we have grown older. Third Age Learning helps such people by helping them learn a subject of their choice. In India, this practice has taken root.

More on: Third Age Learning for senior citizens

Friday, February 20, 2009

All about hypnosis

In order to become successful in hypnotising other people, you must have confidence in your abilities to hypnotise. The more you display this confidence in you words and mannerisms, the easier it will be to hypnotisze others.

More on: All about hypnosis

Metrosexual men take to pampering themselves

Today most men are just not content with the traditional segments of male fashion like apparels, footwear, accessories and at the max jewellery, but are instead exploring their feminine side as well.

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My one-and-half-year old guide

The important lessons of life come from the most unexpected sources. The following proves this, as the writer shares with us her joy and happiness at having found a perfect guide to help her in living life in the moment.

More on: My one-and-half-year old guide

The pain of forgiveness

At times I feel that I’m in the ocean of darkness, where I’m desperately trying not to drown. It feels as if the darkness is pulling me from behind and yet all my kicking and shouting is doing nothing but wearing me out..

More on: The pain of forgiveness

The truth of the matter

In our day-to-day life, a mother wants to know the truth from the child; a wife from her husband; a teacher from the student; a friend from another friend; and so on and so forth, yet the truth is far from the reach of anyone, anywhere.

More on: The truth of the matter

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lifestyle diseases emerge as silent killers

The World Health Organisation has warned that more than 270 million people are susceptible of falling victim to diseases linked to unhealthy lifestyles. Most of these people are thought to come from China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia.

More on: Lifestyle diseases emerge as silent killers

Today's Muslims and their lifestyle

Muslims today have left behind the religious books and teachings of Prophets and live life wishfully. We, the youth are responsible for all this. Unless the Muslim youth realise that they are moving in a wrong direction, nothing can be done.

More on: Today's Muslims and their lifestyle

Who’s to be blamed for teen crimes?

Who is to blame for the increase in crime rates today? The answer undoubtedly is the youngsters of today who are solely responsible. The future citizens are turning criminals. Thanks to the media, teens have taken to drinking and other crimes.

More on: Who’s to be blamed for teen crimes?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Truth behind 'The Secret'

Law of attraction says that universally we attract everything we deeply aspire for. The dominance of thought churn's the way to reach the desire, all the experiences we go through in life is because of those untamed thoughts behind the desire..

More on: Truth behind 'The Secret'

Silence, the best way to speak!

How does a pregnant mother and a baby converse with each other? Where does romance emerge? How does one introspect? What heralds a storm? Where does a devotee seek refuge? Who takes care of our sleep? Which is the ultimate mode of conversation?.

More on: Silence, the best way to speak!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Self Help Groups: Problems and solutions

Formation of Self Help Groups is a path breaking initiative that can transform the lives of million of poor Indians. However, the government should concentrate of regulating the formation process to ensure better financial viability within the group.

More on: Self Help Groups: Problems and solutions

Bridging the gap in relationships

The dream of complete globalisation, solely depends on the relationships, which we share with others. So let's bring the whole world together on a single platform, understand each other closely and then celebrate the bliss of relationship.

More on: Bridging the gap in relationships

The angel within

There is truly an angel within each one of us, who wants to do what’s right. An angel who’s dying to love and spread warmth. God has a plan for the angel within you, and for the heart that shines bright. Just look within!.

More on: The angel within

A mind without fear

Do not fear ‘fear’. No problem is solved by running away from it. It has to be faced, head-on. It is true of fear too. Confront it with conviction and you will not fear ‘fear’ anymore. It is all a state of the mind! Nothing more, nothing less!.

More on: A mind without fear

Love can help you succed

Rahul and Ria were individuals from two different worlds but what brought them together was their similar attitude towards life. They understood each other in the true sense of the word and their relationship blossomed..

More on: Love can help you succed

Cursed by the love of land

Land has been a great attraction for man since times unknown Man’s lust for land is insatiable. Some of the worst sins in this world have been committed for the love of land and some of the best men have fallen low because of this accursed love.

More on: Cursed by the love of land

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love can help you succed

Rahul and Ria were individuals from two different worlds but what brought them together was their similar attitude towards life. They understood each other in the true sense of the word and their relationship blossomed..

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to me!

Apart from Valentine’s Day and celebrations for oneself, this day has brought different ideas of proposing ones love. Romantic getaway is the most popular way of observing this day. Couples date in resorts and late nightlong drives are popular..

More on: Happy Valentine's Day to me!

This valentine love is in the air

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for others to know how you feelings.

More on: This valentine love is in the air

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How to combat obesity?

Obesity is lifestyle disorder. It has a definite relationship with high blood pressure. The more precise and medically accepted measure of obesity is the BMI, which is the ratio of weight in kilogrammes to the height in metres squared of a person..

More on: How to combat obesity?

The genesis of St. Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is believed to have originated during the time of the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14 was a holiday to honour Juno, the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the goddess of women and marriage..

More on: The genesis of St. Valentine's Day

Reviewing preachers and philosophers

Preachers are the ones who interpret religion as per their convenience, prejudices and personal blinkers, and they are not exclusive to any religion while philosophers are the ones who contribute positively and intellectually to a religion..

More on: Reviewing preachers and philosophers

Monday, February 9, 2009

Married people need to joke away the Valentine's Day

In some of the Valentine's Day get togethers, married couples get to experience that romance is not everything in life and there are many other facets to it. To know how they joke about their marriage, read on....

More on: Married people need to joke away the Valentine's Day

Helpline for lesbians in Chennai

A helpline aiming to stop violence, ill-treatment and stigmatisation of, and discrimination against, lesbians has started functioning in Chennai since Saturday (Feb 7). It is flooded with calls from the community..

More on: Helpline for lesbians in Chennai

Love is unconditional

Despite continuous efforts since ancient times, no one has been able to decipher the true meaning of love. Just as we can not define the whole creation in a few words, we cannot define love also in few words.

More on: Love is unconditional

The three axioms of life

There are three axioms of life. First, a shopkeeper needs to be polite; secondly, a commission agent is shameless and third, a successful ruler is always very strict. The author cites examples of all three axioms from his experiences..

More on: The three axioms of life

Sunday, February 8, 2009

There’s no saint as great as Valentine

Valentine's Day is a splendid idea to open your heart to your sweet one. Don't ever set any expectations for that day. Setting expectations ruins the possibility for spontaneity. However don't give up the desire to be swept off your feet..

More on There’s no saint as great as Valentine

Are divorced men richer?

A research by a British institute says divorce could raise men from poverty to relative prosperity; it could be as financially devastating as to push women into downright destitution regardless of the alimony. Is the statement valid in India?

More on Are divorced men richer?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The girl in the rain

In our busy lives where we are running after money and fame, sometimes some incidents happen which make us stop and think what life is all about? Something similar happened with an ambitious creative head of an advertising company….
More on: The girl in the rain

Woman is next only to God

One must always remember that she forgives, loves, cares without any demand because she thinks from her heart and not from her brain. So there is still time wake up and give her the status she deserves..
More on: Woman is next only to God

Monday, February 2, 2009

Is today’s Alpha man not a happy creature

A woman is selling her virginity on the Net to collect money for her studies. The funniest part is there are many Alpfa men bidding a high price to have the first physical dip in her body. Life is nothing but an opportunity to love and be loved.

More on: Is today’s Alpha man not a happy creature

Is man without a soul?

Yes but to know the truth we must have a strong desire to see it. Every person is capable of knowing this truth. If we are ready to unveil this unseen passage, give wings to your imagination. Explore, explore, explore … as if there is no tomorrow.

More on: Is man without a soul?