Lifestyle in News

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Right of moral policing

The issue of moral policing has divided people sharply. While some feel it’s illegal, others opine that organisations have rights to fight against the cultural attacks on our society. Shall we be mute spectators or stand up and take action?.

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Set good examples for your kids

Remember, it is always important that you nurture only what is good in the minds of growing children; with the good and they’ll become good. But if you keep getting involved in wrong things and do evil your child will also go that way. .

More on Set good examples for your kids

Problems are just part of life

It is all about patience and attitude. We need to react properly to bad situations and problems. If we curse ourselves for everything, it is we who are at loss not others. Remember problems are just part of life; we have life above every problem..

More on Problems are just part of life

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Top 10 qualities needed for success

What are the qualities needed to be successful? If being truly successful is so important to you, then working on the qualities is also important. Here’s the rat race rebel list of top 10 qualities needed for success..

More on Top 10 qualities needed for success

Avoid window seat, it causes blood clot

Most of the obese passengers would have the risk of blood clot if they sit in the window seat in flights. The research says that a DVT clot can cause death if it passes through a passenger's bloodstream to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism..

More on Avoid window seat, it causes blood clot

Women smell more unpleasant than men

'Men smell of cheese, and women of grapefruit or onion', concluded scientists at a company in Geneva called Firmenich. In a bizarre research, the scientists investigated the distinctive armpit odour of men and women's armpits.

More on Women smell more unpleasant than men

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The thing called love

Love is the most beautiful and incredible thing that can happen in one's life. However, like everything else, love too isn't always perfect. But overlook those not so pleasant things that comes along and enjoy the feeling while it's here..

More on The thing called love

Should girls attend late night parties?

Girls should avoid late night parties for their own good. Gang rape of a management student at Noida and murder of a TV journalist are examples that prove girls are not safe. Lifestyle changes are affecting the fair sex..

More on Should girls attend late night parties?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Red attracts men to women

Red is the colour of love and makes men go crazy for that Lady in Red. A study at the University of Rochester by Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta, through five psychological tests, demonstrate the connection of red colour with everlasting love.

More on Red attracts men to women

Vastu and Feng Shui

It is said that we need to follow some natural rules in order to lead a happy and prosperous life. The same rules are also applicable while constructing a house. The ancient sciences of Vastu and Feng Shui, can be of great help..

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Life is to be lived and loved

Man is always selfish and forgets to thank God, who has given this beautiful life to be lived and loved. A human being has to think globally, think rationally and entirely for the sake of all and not just for his own selfish sake .

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Media widens mental horizon

Media plays a vital role in the upliftment of the rural masses. It widens mental horizons for better perception of information that help the people to be update on the information super-highway, transporting people to a modern society..

More on Media widens mental horizon

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fab India breaks new fashion frontiers

Fab India has progressed slowly and developed into a major success story. It gives an individual various designs, colours and combinations to choose from; it’s a place where anyone and everyone can find anything for themselves. .

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prescribing exercise as crucial as medicine

Physical trainers cannot double up as physical therapists and give advice or counsel clients with respect to body aches, joint pains, or musclo-skeletal problems. Sadly many of them do so. Consult none other than experts..

More on Prescribing exercise as crucial as medicine

Sleep loss: What can be done?

Those people, who face sleeping problems like sleep deprivation, insomnia and other sleep disorders, need help. Regulate your lifestyle otherwise it may affect your brain function. We can suffer serious mental and physical impairment..

More on Sleep loss: What can be done?

Love: An eternal mystery?

Love is a complicated feeling, an answer to which is still awaited. The beautiful expression has been defined by several saints, lovers and commoners. But the exact and the undebatable solution has not been found. Can science solve the mystery?.

More on Love: An eternal mystery?

Next generation shopping in luxury malls

Shopping got a whole new meaning when malls were introduced in India. The experience, the ambiance, were of high eminence and now with the introduction of luxury malls, are the trends all set to change once again? .

More on Next generation shopping in luxury malls

Monday, January 19, 2009

Lose weight the men way

A new study has found out that women who are trying to lose that extra kilos should build up a muscular body like men. Women should find a way to boost their metabolism and build more lean muscle and weight training is a great way to do this.

More on Lose weight the men way

80% people in metros suffers from lifestyle diseases

Prolonged incorrect posture in the work environment coupled with high stress and improper diet are sure-fire silent killers said physiotherapist Prof D H Dastoor. About 70 to 80 per cent people in metros suffer from lifestyle diseases..

More on 80% people in metros suffers from lifestyle diseases

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Combine sex with spirituality to impress womankind

Seducing is an art, Overpowering a woman is altogether a different issue but winning her heart and in turn, her body, requires skill. A bit of Vatsyayan, a bit of Sigmund Freud and a bit of Isaac Newton may do the trick.

More on Combine sex with spirituality to impress womankind

Global warming threatens economic growth

The climatic changes have created too many problems at every level. This is harmful for mankind. Now is the time to alert our security for the future. This challenges the entire human community to undertake prompt and strong collective action.

More on Global warming threatens economic growth

Gardening is Viagra

A new study has found that some form of physical exercise could do away with most of the problems oldies face in bed. And one need not go to gym or job for hours to get there. Just a little bit of gardening would do.

More on Gardening is Viagra

Friday, January 16, 2009

Female foeticide: Who is to be blamed?

Female foeticide is the most gruesome and heinous crime imaginable. It is a matter of great disgrace that our nation is a home to such acts of crime. Female foeticide is an extreme manifestation of violence against women..

More on Female foeticide: Who is to be blamed?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Women and the stereotype of domesticity

I am sure men are equally good at multi-tasking. They say a small gesture can say a lot. Let that small gesture not be just earning money and taking your wives out to movies; let that small gesture be cooking one meal a day.

More on Women and the stereotype of domesticity

Want curvaceous body, ask sexy mommy Naomi Watts

Actress Naomi Watts delivered her second baby hardly a month back and is still looking as fabulous, where is all that mommy flab gone? Naomi looked sexy with husband Liev Schrieber at the screening of his new film 'Defiance' at New York.

More on Want curvaceous body, ask sexy mommy Naomi Watts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

20 lakh take dip at Sangam on Makar Sankranti

A huge rush of devotees had converged at the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati from the wee hours of Tuesday-Wednesday night. The best period of the shnan (bathing) for Makar Sankranti was between 4.30am and 9am..

More on 20 lakh take dip at Sangam on Makar Sankranti

The ecstasy of dance

Dancing is the best way to burn calories and learn new aspects of life through it, as it endures much beyond than just being a ‘hobby’. It manifests into the world the diversity in culture. It’s reflected in the variety of Indian folk dances..

More on The ecstasy of dance

Junk food: Fashion statement or health hazard

There were times when people used to go to restaurants along with their family and friends to have their lunch or dinner. But now substitutes like McDonald's and Pizza Hut are available in the market. .

More on Junk food: Fashion statement or health hazard

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sex attracts

The tendency for togetherness, and for society in general, to associate sex with sin and morality has been a great misfortune. Sex issues begin by deconstructing the layers of sexual repression that the condemnation of sex has inflicted on humans.

More on Sex attracts

Balancing the needs of smokers and non-smokers

There are individuals among the student community who are demanding ‘smoking zones’ where they can go and smoke without affecting the non-smokers. The Act too has provisions for creating places where smokers can light up and smoke freely

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Courier services need to be monitored

Since important documents like cheques and drafts are carried by this service, registration of courier-service with the Union Ministry of Communications should be compulsory with list of their offices recorded with the Ministry..

More on Courier services need to be monitored

From chastity belts to condoms

The concept of chastity belts to protect virginity has changed. Today, it is the condom. Ads keep sprouting on TV channels where people from railway porters to commoners on the streets are shedding their inhibitions and mouthing the once taboo word..

More on From chastity belts to condoms

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Problems couples face

There are the various problem couples have been facing. A little bit of fighting or criticism is there in every relationship, as long as the fight does not change into a big fight..

More on Problems couples face

Friendship is a plant that thrives on nurture, care

Young and old all need to win true friends. Because the solitude is killing. It’s not enough just being you. One must have a new identity – a warm place in the hearts of others. You need a strong shoulder to rest your weary head; a pal who listens. .

More on Friendship is a plant that thrives on nurture, care

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Woman falsely reports rape to get day off from work

An 18-year-old woman in Marlow falsely reported of having been raped, just because she wanted a day off from work. However, after police interrogated and swabbed three men for DNA samples, she admitted to having made up the whole thing.

More on Woman falsely reports rape to get day off from work

Drink water, stay healthy

For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a cent percent cure for several diseases. Drink water, stay healthy and active..

More on Drink water, stay healthy

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hypocrisy is the best policy?

Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. Belief in god and cardinal virtues is fostered on us from our childhood. But the pleasures of life have an irresistible appeal on us. We pay lip service to god and heart- service to the devil.

More on Hypocrisy is the best policy?

Thou shall not think or thou shall turn fat

Thou shall not think too much or you shall become fat. This is what Canadian researchers observed after conducting a study linking deep thinking and calorie intake. Overconsumption of calories is caused by the thinking too much, concluded the study.

More on Thou shall not think or thou shall turn fat