Lifestyle in News

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let’s begin anew

A survey of contemporary New Year resolutions shows that health-related goals top the charts every year. This year, with global economic recession breeding insecurity and the recent terror attack on Mumbai, understandably, a change has set in..

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A treatment solution for MRSA that really works

Honeymark, a manufacturer of high-end skin care products has developed an antiseptic cream containing a special type of honey that is effective in successfully treating Staph infections caused by MRSA and other infectious bacteria..

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mobiles are here to stay, but shun mobile addiction

This is the lifeline of Gen Next kids. No matter what others may think, the young and old, all are fully occupied with mobile phones. Only a few or nobody knows or cares about the disadvantages of using mobiles..

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Good sleeps leads to healthier body and mind

For many, sleep is a natural end to the day. It comes naturally, easily and without much effort. For others, getting a good night’s sleep is an ongoing problem. They don't get sleep and have problems. But most people are not aware of, or willing to accept.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Are live-ins here to stay?

Live-in relationships are a growing phenomenon, live and let live seems to be the mantra. Live-in relationships are still not acceptable in India but times are changing. Would that mean even relationships are changing?.

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Men too bear the brunt of domestic violence

The University of the West Indies held a meet on “understanding the problems and finding solutions to domestic violence”. Domestic violence against men was now a “closeted crime” since men were usually too embarrassed to complain to the authorities..

More on Men too bear the brunt of domestic violence

Chocolates, wine improve brain performance

The experiment suggests that those who consume chocolate, wine or tea have scored better and shown lower prevalence of poor cognitive performance than those who do not. Among the three, the most effective is wine..

More on Chocolates, wine improve brain performance

Monday, December 22, 2008

The advantages of having a dress code

It’s not only about the dress we wear. The code also includes your countenance. In many western countries people smile as if to acknowledge the presence of the other. As a nation we have frowns all over, as though each one of us has a load to carry..

More on The advantages of having a dress code

Passing out parade at Air Force Academy

97 flight cadets passed out from Air Force Academy. They joined active duty in the rank and file of the IAF. Five officers from Indian Navy and one officer from Indian Coast Guard also got their flying wings at the Combined Graduation Parade..

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Do Indians respect personal space?

Every one of us needs to know that each one of us likes having a certain amount of space, which is one’s very own. In this space a person explores and finds himself. In Roger’s Theory it is called being in one’s own world..

More on Do Indians respect personal space?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home improvement: Planning and budget

Budget is one of the first things that one has to consider before going for home improvement. And most of the time the urgency of the requirement and the budget together determine what part of one's house goes in for improvement first.

More on Home improvement: Planning and budget

Friday, December 19, 2008

Beasts turning into beauties

These days out of four actors' one actor has opted for cosmetic surgery to look glamorous on the screen. The trend for cosmetic surgery was set in 1906 by Miller an American surgeon. That was a milestone and in 2008 there is no speed breaker. .

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happiness and peace

Happiness is involved mostly with the material world. Non-material happiness is also present. It may be called physical happiness. Let us call it sexual happiness. Sincere love also makes a person happy. Peace is something different from happiness..

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Friendships at work can also boost output

Some would say that friendship should never be encouraged in the workplace, but others may disagree. When people become friendly three things can happen. It can lead to intimacy, give and take friendship or accommodating friendship.

More on Friendships at work can also boost output

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lifestyle diseases in urban youth

Improving economy and changing lifestyles have made the youth susceptible to diseases like heart ailments and diabetes. It is more of a problem in urban families, in which it is aggravated by lack of understanding and time..

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can gays be better parents?

An Israeli gay couple came to India, hired a surrogate mother and went back as happy parents. It exposed Indian double standards. Social scientists feel that gays are more equipped for better parenting since they are liberated of social prejudices..

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Euthanasia debate: A killing or a mercy death?

Many think that the right to live is closely linked to the right to death since death is an event of life itself. In the Jain philosophy, there is provision of willingly embracing death in old age. This tradition is called Santhara..

More on Euthanasia debate: A killing or a mercy death?

The agony and solution of headaches

Scientists are still trying to fathom the cause of most headaches. It was once surmised that that the dilation of blood vessels along with constriction caused most migraines, and that tension-style headaches were caused by muscle contractions..

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Woman power asserts itself in India’s economic surge

The inertia of traditional thinking is being shaken by the realities of a new age. The mindset in all the spheres has always. One of the compelling realities is that the Indian women (half the population of our country) has proven to be an asset.

More on Woman power asserts itself in India’s economic surge

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Keeping your cool in times of adversity

It is vital to keep your cool in the face of adversity or hurt. Not to do anything when something has upset you. Not to write anything that is official or important. Not to talk unnecessarily. Not to drive. Not to take any decisions..

More on Keeping your cool in times of adversity

Threat of global warming

As per terms and condition of Kyoto Protocol, India and China have no restriction on their greenhouse gas emission up to Year 2021. This is a mockery. Various international lobbies are working and interestingly not a single lobby is concerned about Mother.

MOre on Threat of global warming

Dangers of stress

As a result of chronic stress, human body produces cytokines, which detrimental to health. The chronic inflammation also increases the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Type 2 diabetes. So, keep away from stress for a healthy life..

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Risk management

Risk management is a structured approach to managing uncertainty arising from a threat which can be caused by internal or external sources. Risk management as a subject on the whole has flourished a lot in the past few years..

More on Risk management

Monday, December 8, 2008

Does poverty help nurture terrorism?

Thinking in terms of ideology alone makes it easy to say that terrorists exist in the grip of the irrational and are driven by religious or cultural beliefs. They are not driven entirely by idiosyncratic ideology, any more than they are entirely by economy.

More on Does poverty help nurture terrorism?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Media should report, not editorialise

India’s satellite homes have 300-odd channels to choose from, of which 60 plus focus on news and current affairs. This curtails the attention span of the viewers whose fingers twitch the remote control when the channels take a break for commercials.

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Listen to your heart, reach out to people!

Just listening can also be of help. Just being there sometimes we even save a life just by calling at that moment enquiring of a person. Listening is the most important quality in the helping profession..

More on Listen to your heart, reach out to people!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Legalise prostitution and homosexuality, check AIDS

Around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world – of which anything between four and six million people in India are living with this dreaded disease. It is now said India has the highest number of AIDS affected people..

More on Legalise prostitution and homosexuality, check AIDS

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can photographs make you sick?

A real life story of how memories can stay with you even after the person has gone away. A woman reacted on the issue of being photographed or to a camera, to such an extent that it affected her health. Here’s a case study..

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Now no worries, permanent make-up is here

Women with pale lips, odd eyebrows and asymmetrical features need not worry anymore since permanent make-up is at their rescue. Permanent make-up is a cosmetic technique that employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble make-up

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