Lifestyle in News

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Women sell themselves and the products too

The image of a typical women starting changing and she was not just a homemaker. Women have jobs and they began to bring in money into the household. In an advertisement for lipstick, the image sends a message of fulfilling sexual wishes.

More on Women sell themselves and the products too

Madames winter collection 08

Globally famous women apparel brand, Madame has launched its Winter/Fall 2008 collection. The collection has three categories - Casual, party and formal wear. It's definitely different, go and choose your favourite.

More on Madame's winter collection ' 08

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Male menopause: A reality?

A recent research in America has revealed that as many as one in five males over the age of 65 years could be experiencing some symptoms of menopause, which include low libido, irritability, tiredness, weight gain, sweating, aches and pains.

More on Male menopause: A reality?

Fading tunes of Dhuduki

The popularity of folk arts in the state of Orissa is decreasing with the boom of peppy Bollywood tunes and modern western instruments. Alongwith it, the music of Dhuduki, an ancient folk instrument, used in songs as well as dance is fading away.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Breaking parental bonds for career ambitions

Solitude of aged people is sometimes a problem created by their own ambitions. Once a child leaves home to fulfill his or his parent’s dream, dreams do come true but rarely does he come back to support his parents during their old age.

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Sanjay Dutt coming out with ‘The Roar of a Lion’

Controversial film star, Sanjay Dutt’s autobiography has been titled, ‘The Roar of a Lion’ and it is almost half way complete. Dutt’s filmmaker friend, Sanjay Gupta too has commissioned a biography of the actor as a tribute to him..

More on Sanjay Dutt coming out with ‘The Roar of a Lion’

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An evening at Wagah

The ceremony at Wagah has been performed in a perfectly coordinated daily ritual for almost 57 years. A long white line, born of the 1947 partition of Britain's Indian empire, defines the border between the hostile neighbours.

More on An evening at Wagah

Stay healthy and happy

'Health is wealth’, it’s easy to say but nowadays, people with their busy schedule are left with very little time to take care of their diet and health. They are more prone to junk food that ruins their health..

More on Stay healthy and happy

Monday, November 17, 2008

Garbage: Seeking co-operation from citizens

A few dedicated residents must take up the responsibility. Train young boys to ask adults about polluting the open space -- this creates a sense of shame sometimes. Its time to take a stand rather than playing the blame game.

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Adding warmth, cheer to senior citizens lives

All of us know about day care centres for small kids, but not many think about similar needs of senior citizens. Aikya Care, a centre for senior citizens in South India is taking care of the elders and spreading happiness amongst the people..

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

linking road bandra - shoppers paradise

Linking Road in Bandra (Mumbai) is a veritable shoppers’ paradise. It stretches from National College, Bandra, right up to Khar. It attracts buyers from all over Mumbai and from outside Mumbai as well. You can buy even customised footwear here..

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Nothing beats the good ol’ ‘darzi’

Despite the readymade industry, boutiques are doing good business and acquiring a dress from them is nothing less than a style statement. Readymade clothes have a problem; the moment you come out of the shop you see people wearing the same style..

More on Nothing beats the good ol’ ‘darzi’

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yoga: For perfect bliss and liberation

Yoga is a practical system of self-culture. It is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of the body, mind and the soul. Yoga is the turning away of the senses from the objective universe and the concentration of the mind within..

More on Yoga: For perfect bliss and liberation

Load shedding for a stretch of 32 hours!

Maharashtra is subjected to 32 hours load shedding at a stretch. While the country rejoices at sending a satellite to moon, few areas are slated to go back to the Stone Age. People have no option but to depend on alternative source of energy.

More on Load shedding for a stretch of 32 hours!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Top 10 irritating English phrases: Oxford research

English language is replete with such phrases that have become almost repulsive on account of overuse. Certain phrases have even lost their original meaning and mean something that is only remotely associated with the original idea, if at all..

More on Top 10 irritating English phrases: Oxford research

Monday, November 10, 2008

Introverts versus extroverts

Normally people who tend to be quiet and reserved are considered to be weak and timid, especially if you live in the eastern part of the world where people are social and warm by nature. In the eastern part collectivism is the word..

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That's all back benchers want

No teacher is bothered about back benchers but believe me if you look carefully in to their uncanny eyes, they certainly create an impression and catch your attention. So friends have a good impression about these generous and courteous students..

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Prayer: A direct appeal to the God within

Prayer can be defined as an anguished cry of the soul in distress and helplessness; a power fuller and greater than itself for relief and comfort. In a general sense, it is an invocation to God, competent to grant solace and peace to a tortured, torn mind.

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The plight of print journalism

The calibre of writing has slowly deteriorated over the years. For instance, if you look at the average news story in the local newspaper you'll notice it takes them forever to get to the point. Further, news reporting has become less objective.

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Their cup of woe overflows

The transsexuals in India lead a miserable life. The society shuns and looks down upon them. They are often made fun of and are also sexually harassed. However, the government has hardly taken any steps to remedy the problem..

More on Their cup of woe overflows

Tobacco and alcohol use among adults

Advertising has been found to influence the consumption of tobacco and alcohol products among adults and youth. Several marketing practice like pricing and availability also increase the consumption of such products among the young masses..

More on Tobacco and alcohol use among adults

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meditation is a complete way to fight stress

At present, the prevailing financial crisis have badly effected the world economy, causing mental stress and related diseases, making it more difficult to live a peaceful and healthy life.Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga may be a solution..

More on Meditation: A complete way to fight stress

Portraying the modern Indian woman

Modern Indian women are nowhere to be found in the popular culture. The Indian popular culture has been dominated by the stereotypes, ie the ever-sacrificing, sari-clad and ‘bechaari’ Indian woman. Time the industry set it right..

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