Lifestyle in News

Friday, October 31, 2008

Orissa: Things fall apart - II

Mere deployment of paramilitary forces would not help, as this is not a law and order problem alone. Mere imposition of Article 356 over the entire state of Orissa will not help either. This is not a political problem alone. The rot runs much deeper!.

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Humanity: Mother of all religions

Dr Dhirendra Sharma, the convenor of the concerned scientists and philosophers for social action has appealed the leaders of all faiths, religions and countries to preach humanity and non-violence in order to maintain peace and harmony in the world..

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What you need to succeed.

What is it that is needed in order to be successful in life? Is there a magic formula to achieve success? Pundits and scholars could give you a list of more than a thousand qualities, but the most important thing needed in life to succeed is passion.

More on What you need to succeed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nutrigenomics: The next wave for food industry

Nutrigenomics is the study of food and nutrition focussed mainly on the interactions with diseases and human-specific genes. Nutrigenomics addresses how individual genomes respond to complex nutrients and chemical mixtures present in our food..

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All about wine

Today, wine-making is one of the most popular hobbies as it requires minimal equipment and space and no professional skill - any adult with patience, curiosity and an aptitude for experimentation can be a wine-maker..

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Being unborn: When does life begin?

There is a serious moral issue involved in medical abortions. If the foetus can breathe, have a heartbeat, developing brain and functioning organs,isn't it ridiculous to presume that it may not have any take on a subject concerning its life or death?.

More on Being unborn: When does life begin?

What is a muscle spasm?

Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of muscle that can be chronic and painful. There can be numerous types of muscle spasms and reasons for it. Some muscle spasm occurs after a trauma to an area, while still others have no discernible cause..

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heed the voice of God, and you will never go wrong

The debate over politics and religion continues unabated. Spirituality should be the guiding force behind any politics. One should follow ones’ inner voice, be guided by one’s action as these are directions given by God himself..

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The demon of recession spells doom on Diwali

The dampening impact of the global recession is vivid on Diwali. Many people are in no mood to celebrate it at all. Shop owners say the wavering stock market, double-digit inflation and recent terror attacks have hit consumers’ buying spirits.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Hell and Heaven is on earth nowadays

It is our actions which take us to Hell or Heaven. We design our life with our deeds. Being good is harder than being a beast. Hell and Heaven is right here, right now. Whatever we do for others, we do get the same in return.

MOre on Hell and Heaven is on earth nowadays

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ethical leadership: The desire to make a difference

Exposure is just about keeping your eyes, ears open, about being alert, about staying awake, and knowing ‘what’s going on’. This comes through ethical leadership, which is sans power, position, and privilege..

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Emotions and rational thinking

Once you become aware of why you do certain things, you can resist people trying to emotionally manipulate you and realise that the decisions you make are actually due to your emotional state rather than logical thinking..

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why do women have better judgement than men?

There is an old Chinese saying "man thinks he knows, but woman knows better", and some people say "females are like cats, they do what they want and cannot be tamed"..

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My journey with Harry Potter series

JK Rowling is a great writer. A window opened somewhere to a whole new world of witchcraft and wizardry. Her books are great, though there are some unpronounceable characters in her stories..

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Theme bound Durga Pujas

Gradually, with an increase in the numbers of public celebrations and the urge to attract eyeballs, there came a time when pandals went in for mesmerising the crowds. The display of lights, which creates wonders, are a delight to viewers' eyes..

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Get set for the revolution- Part I

Guru Siyag declared the commencement of "Spiritual Revolution in the World" which will justify the "Words of Vedic Philosophy", practically, giving, on the spot results, just like modern science. The Vedic Philosophy is no more a theoretical subject, as G

More on Get set for the revolution- Part I

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An insight into the life of Saadat Hasan Manto

"There, behind barbed wire, on one side, lay India and behind more barbed wire, on the other side, lay Pakistan. In between, on a bit of earth which had no name, lay Toba Tek Singh." -'Toba Tek Singh' by Saadat Hasan Manto

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Festival season hails love, devotion

Indian festival season has started from September 30. It is the time when India celebrates love and devotion. A lot many festivals like Eid, Navaratri, Dusherra, Diwali etc, are eagerly awaited by millions of people all across the country.

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