Lifestyle in News

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Victorious Kidss: A school with a difference

Victorious Kidss Educares, located at Empress Garden, Pune, an implementing IB School is the only school in India that teaches Vedic maths and foreign languages to children at the age of two and three years.. more on Victorious Kidss: A school with a difference

Health insurance: Higher penetration needed

Inadequate regulatory norms pose a problem to insurance firms. The unethical ways in which hospitals charge the insured patients is unfortunate. The inability of the regulator to ensure rationalisation of hospital charges continues.. more on Health insurance: Higher penetration needed

Sainik Takli: The village, its honour and tradition

Fifty kms from Kolhapur city, on the banks of the Krishna river, is a village Sainik Takli where every household has at least one person serving in the Indian Army, and therefore the prefix ‘Sainik'.. more on Sainik Takli: The village, its honour and tradition

The top 10 fantasies of women

In a newly-conducted survey it was revealed that most women aged between 28 and 46 longed to be sex instructors and loved to impart lessons in love to a male virgin. However, they preferred doing it with their regular partners only.. more on The top 10 fantasies of women

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads

A two-wheeler is taken more as a pleasure packed machine than a mode of transportation. It gives us great convenience but at the same time causes social, familial and economic liabilities because of its mismanagement carried out by youths. more on Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads more on Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads

Vedanta philosophy: Finest fruit of wisdom

Hinduism, especially that of the Vedic period, has been singularly free of personages, and is rather an encyclopaedic collection of the experiences of rishis (the seers, and not thinkers) that is, those who went to a state of no-mind-awareness. more on Vedanta philosophy: Finest fruit of wisdom

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Continuation of life through sexual reproduction

Creation evokes enchantment. Birth of every individual is a result of a fascinating biological process. Every step is a wonder in itself. Each living organism is capable of replacing itself through its young one, forming a chain of life. more on Continuation of life through sexual reproduction

Do men and women learn differently?

Men and women should be equal in terms of opportunities to exercise their full potential, but they are not identical in their innate abilities. Whether they equal is a political or moral question, but whether they are identical is a scientific one. more on Do men and women learn differently?

Chilling affair @ Chill House for north Delhiites

The Chill House at North Ex Mall, Rohini is the hottest place for all, be it the young crown or old. Its the right place to be for the families who want to dine out and also for youngsters looking for fun. A chilling hangout for sure. more on Chilling affair @ Chill House for north Delhiites

Change your lifestyle and live longer!

It is time now for you to change your lifestyle, adopting yoga to live amply, accomplishing more, with more joy and less stress. Yoga strengthens your body and mind, provides mental peace and physical power, help you generate untapped energy within you. more on Change your lifestyle and live longer!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is 99 per cent enough?

In today's world even the one per cent, which one misses to make it cent percent, makes or mars one's prospects. The secret is not in loosing but in making the tide turn in your favour. However, love is much more demanding!. more on Is 99 per cent enough?

Dairy contributing to the economy of Singrijan

Residents of Singrijan, a village in Nagaland, depend mostly on diary besides agriculture for subsistence. Dairy has contributed a lot to the village's economy, providing profitable self-employment opportunities to the villagers.. more on Dairy contributing to the economy of Singrijan

NEHU students capture northeast on canvass

North Eastern Hill University organised its fifth annual art exhibition in Shillong. The exhibition highlighted the distinct region through it's craft traditions, the beautiful silks, clay made materials and bell metal work and paintings.. more on NEHU students capture northeast on canvass

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Has education made us more self-centred?

Education has made us more animal friendly and environment friendly, but it has taken us away from the human values and from acting for something which we believe is correct. It has made us indifferent towards the society and nation as a whole.. more on Has education made us more self-centred?

Are marriages on sale?

With changing norms of the society and the glitter that is added to the sparkling matrimonial advertisements, has the meaning of marriage really changed for the youth today or it still remains as red-hot as ever?. more on Are marriages on sale?

Women-only beaches for Muslim women

There are women-only beaches in Egypt where women can unwind themselves without men ogling them. In such exclusive zones, Muslim women find themselves free and comfortable in, bikinis, swimsuits, all under Islamic tenets of purdah. more on Women-only beaches for Muslim women

Monday, August 25, 2008

SDP chief Andrabi blames Centre for Jammu turmoil

Addressing a Press conference in Jammu, SDP president Darakshan Andrabi held the Central government responsible for not resolving the Jammu and Kashmir conflict. She blamed it for assuaging separatist Kashmiris and ignoring the demands of Jammuties. more on SDP chief Andrabi blames Centre for Jammu turmoil

What it means to be an atheist?

Being an atheist is quite taxing. Atheism is not just an awkward decision; it takes one through long-winded logical deductions to arrive at a certain situation where the all-pervading concept of ‘God’ no longer plays a role in one’s life. more on What it means to be an atheist?

Youth scramble for 'dahi handi' fest in Mumbai

The 'dahi handi' tradition marks the birthday of Lord Krishna. It has a human pyramid trying to reach a 'handi of curd' positioned at a precarious height. Anyone who breaks the 'handi' is entitled of the prize money, which runs into lakhs of rupees. more on Youth scramble for 'dahi handi' fest in Mumbai

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Books waiting for a comeback

Childhood memories are full of reading those happy ever-after story books, but this love gets lost somewhere in the chaos of life. Books are a lot more than mere Harry Potters, it's a plethora of knowledge and discovery of truths of life.. more on Books waiting for a comeback

Top ten reasons why women don’t need sex

A poll results reveal that majority of women prefer chocolate to sex! What is it in a chocolate that's more stimulating? Here are top ten reasons why women really don't need sex, they always have a substitute!. more on Top ten reasons why women don’t need sex

HIV+ people holds a rally on Independence Day

On the occasion of Independence Day, Purulia Zilla Parishad along with PDAMSMS and GMLF organised a youth awareness campaign on the theme 'HIV/ AIDS prevention' with an emphasis to fight the stigma attached to HIV and discrimination against PLHAs. more on HIV+ people holds a rally on Independence Day

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One rupee is not a rupee – one boy is not a boy

“One rupee is not a rupee, one boy is not a boy,” said a housewife from Shivpuri district of MP. Sex ratio in MP has declined at an alarming rate. It's the desire among people to have more than one son that is responsible for declining sex ratio.. more on One rupee is not a rupee – one boy is not a boy

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Menopause does not dampen libido

In a recent survey report, 40 per cent of women said that their relationships with their husbands improved after menopause and they enjoyed sex more without fear of becoming pregnant. Such studies dispel the myth that old age is a sexless wasteland. more on Menopause does not dampen libido

Life beyond AIDS

In order to fight HIV, all one needs is a strong will power to fight the disease. A positive frame of mind goes a long way to ease the dread of death. Remember, there is a life beyond HIV.. more on Life beyond AIDS

Slum children fight for school admissions

Slum children who were denied admissions in private schools despite government's order have got admission in the same schools. Thanks to Paridarshita’s efforts and support from ActionAid, 450 of Delhi’s poorest children are studying in these schools.. more on Slum children fight for school admissions

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The 'right' news

The media today is carried away in competition and has forgotten its norms and goals. The big media houses have turned to profit-seeking business players. It's time media realises its faults or it'll face government intervention soon..

More on The 'right' news

India: Home to phishing websites

India is the 14th ranked country worldwide that hosts phishing websites. Leading banks and their clients have been targeted over the past year. Lack of awareness by Indian net banking users have made phishing successful in India.

More on India: Home to phishing websites

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rampant smuggling of Indian star tortoises

Indian star tortoises are the most prized products in international market. It is traded illegally as it has lucrative overseas markets. It is illegal to possess or trade the tortoise. While it is not endangered, it is being pushed to extinction..

More on Rampant smuggling of Indian star tortoises

Fake cosmetics market flourishing in Delhi

The market of fake cosmetics is flourishing in most shady marketplaces of Delhi. Fakes of many luxury brands are sold at very low prices. Even as the experts indicate repercussions like skin allergies, people continue to buy these products..

More on Fake cosmetics market flourishing in Delhi

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is indian middle class consuming more food?

Indian middle class is consuming more food. This was not stated by any Indian politician, but it was American President George W Bush, who said that the Indian middle class is responsible for rising global food crisis.. more onIs indian middle class consuming more food?

Feng Shui: Energise your home with plants

The traditional art of placement, Feng Shui, revolves around the five basic elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Plants and flowers play an important role. Know, to what extent can they influence your life – the Feng Shui way.. more on Feng Shui: Energise your home with plants

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bombs rip the tranquility of Gandhi's Gujarat

The tranquility and peace of Mahatma Gandhi's Gujarat has been ripped into pieces. Calamities, natural and man made, have terrorised the people of this prosperous state. While reasons fail, astrology seems to have an answer.. more on Bombs rip the tranquility of Gandhi's Gujarat

Indians turn guinea pigs in clinical trials

Clinical trials of new drugs in India are a new opportunity which brings revenue as well as jobs for many. Yet, it is not all that rosy. A close look at the regulation with which India is armed in terms of allowing clinical trails. more on Indians turn guinea pigs in clinical trials

Monday, August 4, 2008

The politician Manmohan

Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, a thorough gentleman, who genuinely believes in what can help India grow further and see better days, is not a predator who exploits politics but only a victim who fell prey to predation of politics.. more on The politician Manmohan

Mission Literacy: Needs a face lift!

Literacy is a reasonably good indicator of development of a society, and if India has to march on the path of progress it has to wage its battle against illiteracy with much more vigour and piquancy. Urgent steps are needed in this direction. more on Mission Literacy: Needs a face lift!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

The terrorists hide messages in pictures of porn starlets, pornography sites or elsewhere to coordinate and accomplish their plans. These pictures and audio clips make excellent distracters as few people expect a text message to be hidden within it. more on Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

The terrorists hide messages in pictures of porn starlets, pornography sites or elsewhere to coordinate and accomplish their plans. These pictures and audio clips make excellent distracters as few people expect a text message to be hidden within it.

More on Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

A minimalist life

Gaurav Mishra, an IIM Bangalore graduate describes the life that is to be ideally lived as one that fits into a backpack, so that you are free to indulge your wanderlust, to travel the world in search of meaning, maybe even walk into the wild..

More on A minimalist life