Lifestyle in News

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sculpture with an environmental message

James Stone has come up with an Aquarium, with a mission to instill a sense of wonder, respect and stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants and ecosystems. It is a great way to inspire people to protect the ocean through art..

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The importance of being selfish

We all need to be seriously selfish with the best things that come free for all. The sun that falls on my roof and property, is my sun. So is the case with the seasonal rains, winds and other natural delights. Let’s tap them for our selfish needs..

More on The importance of being selfish

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Grandmaa day celebrated along with chess tourney

Taleigao Chess Academy celebrated Grand Mothers Day with a chess tournament for the children. The tournament was categorised under three groups. Anand, Sahil and Shewtang came out victoriously in their respective groups..

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Only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches

Current, the society is plagued with innumerable problems. But is anyone ready to do anything about it? Only a small percentage of those affected do something. Everyone thinks that as long as we are safe, nothing needs to be done.

More on Only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Impact of late working hours

Most of us spend a lot of time in the office. The long working hours are greatly influencing our lives, especially its strong impact on health is enormous. The stress caused due to late working hours also needs to be managed in order to keep healthy. more on Impact of late working hours

Laugh a lot to beat stress

Meeting deadlines and pressure at work build up stress. But with a little laughter blended with yoga can help you to de-stress your self. Hasya Yoga, an ancient art, is a meditative practice blended with simple exercises is a great stress buster.. more on Laugh a lot to beat stress

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The potpourri of our life

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the two cups of coffee. Set your priorities first and the rest would automatically fall in places.. more on The potpourri of our life

Sunday, July 20, 2008

There is no short-cut in classical music

In an exclusive interview with CS Deshpande, violin maestro Dr N Rajam said that Indian classical music has touched millions of hearts surpassing all boundaries. In her message to youths she said that there is no short-cut in classical music.. more on There is no short-cut in classical music

Stop polluting the water bodies!

Aren’t we behaving like egocentrics? For our self-interests we are releasing the poisonous effluents into the natural water bodies and only when we realise that these polluted water bodies are posing a threat to our lives, we plan to clean them.. more on Stop polluting the water bodies!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Holistic acne treatment helps thousands worldwide

After four years of extensive research, Mike Walden, an ex- acne sufferer has launched a unique step-by-step acne treatment to help acne sufferers worldwide in their quest for a lasting acne cure and a life without the shame. .

More on Holistic acne treatment helps thousands worldwide

Chronic emotional stress ages immune system

Stress is a major problem. It not only affects our daily routine, but also makes us more susceptible to other related diseases. Besides that stress hormones can also reduce the ability of the cells to grow and divide giving ways to no new cells..

More on Chronic emotional stress ages immune system

Thursday, July 17, 2008

College ragging can be pleasure, or a pain

If conducted in a friendly manner ragging can be a good way of interaction between seniors and juniors, but there have been many instances of painful ragging and I students shudder at the thought of going to the college on the first day.
more on College ragging can be pleasure, or a pain

Teejan Bai: Hers is the story of ultimate struggle

Life was not easy for Padma Bhushan Dr Teejan Bai, an exponent of Pandavani. But, inspite of all the obstacles, she never left her singing and today she is the cultural ambassador of India. She now has about 150 students all over the world..
more on Teejan Bai: Hers is the story of ultimate struggle

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blog your way to the bank

There are 50 million blogs out there. Yours have to be good. You can submit your blogs to the blog directories like Technorati and Postami. You can create xml feeds and submit it to feed directories. You can blogtimise or optimise your blogs..

More on Blog your way to the bank

To be fit, ask these ten questions

How do we control our weight?Are there any external agencies that can make some noticeable difference to the way we appear?, for it is you who is going to be bear the brunt of being overweight or the blessing of being fit.

More on To be fit, ask these ten questions

Monday, July 14, 2008

Well-to-do brat? Wronged! Poor chap? Outlaw!!

A kid from Ahmedabad committed thefts amounting to Rs 15 lakh from his own house in four months. It was for funding a lavish lifestyle, chilling out lavishly with two ‘bullies’, after bunking classes. They apparently coerced him into stealing..

More on Well-to-do brat? Wronged! Poor chap? Outlaw!!

Nupur Talwar: A modern day Savitri

Dr Nupur Talwar's struggle in securing her husband's release reminds us of Savitri, a strong willed woman in the Hindu mythology. Just as the latter saved her husband from Yama, the former saved her husband from the police.

More on Nupur Talwar: A modern day Savitri

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Growing pains of the youth

The article emphasises on mental and physical pain faced by the growing youth from their parents, teachers and elders. Children are given too much too soon and they then grow up to be adults who have difficulty in coping with life’s disappointments..

More on Growing pains of the youth

Tuberculosis week: Global initiatives

TB this week provides a snapshot of five top news on TB control from around the world and World Health Organisation's initiative to fight the disease. Also a brief summary of emerging issues on Tuberculosis and AIDS..

More on Tuberculosis week: Global initiatives

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Men don't cry, ever wonder why?

We all have grown seeing and learning a well-accepted fact that men don't cry. Is it a fact or a myth? But I again wonder what if men start crying, who will be there to wipe off their tears. Here is a small try..

More on Men don't cry, ever wonder why?

Matters of matrimony: Changing patterns

Unlike olden days when matrimonial alliances were supposed to last a lifetime, alliance for life is interpreted differently by different persons today. If the union has broken due to whatever reasons, there is always hope for a fresh start..

More on Matters of matrimony: Changing patterns

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bank loans: Best means to your ends

As the needs and priorities of the people are growing day by day they need financial help to fulfill their wishes. But, they are usually not in a condition to meet these expenses from their own pockets. It is here that banks play a major role..

More on Bank loans: Best means to your ends

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beware! Size zero…leads nowhere

The fashion industry has banned models with a body mass index of below 18, after model Luisel Ramos collapsed on a runway and later died. To be a model and have the right body mass index, eat right and be sensuous and not anorexic..

More on Beware! Size zero…leads nowhere

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let’s get real about shows: No gain without pain!

When a 16 year old girl suffered from paralysis, after she was rebuked in a reality show by the judges for her poor performance, the incident drew national outcry, with many accusing the TV channel of exploiting the kids in the name of talent hunt..
More on Let’s get real about shows: No gain without pain!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do's and don'ts of stress control and spirituality

Erosion of potential is known as stress. Spirituality is the key. Selection of 'Eustress' over 'Dystress' is known as stress management. We should take care of ourselves. We should be energetic. Our thoughts should be positive..
more on Do's and don'ts of stress control and spirituality

Barter plastic waste for ginger and garlic

In an innovative method to deal with waste management, a Guwahati-based NGO 'Environ' in collaboration with women groups, is providing ginger and garlic to housewives in exchange of scrap polythene and to sensitise people about the effects of plastic..
more on Barter plastic waste for ginger and garlic

A sudden burst of laughter

Laughter is an audible expression or appearance of merriment or happiness or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure and the melody is measured keeping in mind the time of the burst out. And my sudden laughter made me an object of ridicule..
more on A sudden burst of laughter

Now Shilpa's yoga on your mobile

Shemaroo entertainment has tied up with various mobile operators to offer Bollywood beauty Shilpa Shetty's yoga for downloads. Not only the videos, even Shilpa's wall papers and screen savers in her yoga pose can also be downloaded.
more on Now Shilpa's yoga on your mobile