Lifestyle in News

Monday, June 30, 2008

We need to impose waste-tax

It is not civic to let any organisation: Local, national, or multi-national, to come up and operate their businesses anywhere and go scot-free when it comes to the after-effects of their products' wastes. Waste-tax is the need of the hour..

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Good news for senior citizens

Six post offices in Durgapur have agreed to credit monthly returns directly to commercial banks against the respective MIS policies. The postal department has asked the post offices to expedite the process before July..

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From juvenile ecstasy to a matured one

From carefree and untroubled inhibitions spent running around in school corridors, to matured and directed lives on professional fronts - ecstasy and jubilation take altering turns at every division of life..

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

He is younger than me, but we are dating!

How important is age in a relationship? If a woman is independent, successful and financially settled is it wrong for her to date a younger man? The only thing that should matter is the mutual understanding between the two..

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Outstation students prefer PG over college hostels

With the admission in DU going on in full swing, the hunt for hostels and PG accommodations too have started. This year the number of outstation students are high as usual and they seem to be preferring private hostels and PG over college hostels..

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Knighthood for Sir Controversy

Britain based Indian author, Salman Rushdie has been in controversies time and again. Be it regarding his writings or getting divorced or changing girlfriends like clothes. These spells of controversies make him a hot favourite and are his USP..

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Mid-day meal in Himachal schools from July 1

Come July 1 and mid day meal will be provided to all students up to middle standard in all government and government-aided middle schools in Himachal Pradesh. The state government has made a provision of Rs10 crore under this scheme..

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ayurveda conference in Shimla

State level campaign on 'geriatric health care through curved's' will be launched on June 25, by state chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal. The purpose of the campaign is to identify the incidence of old age health problems and how to tackle them..

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Perils of nymphotropism

It is due to nymphotropism only that sons get separated from parents and it is rare to hear an instance of a son disowning his parents prior to his marriage, for otherwise, instances galore and are not far to seek..

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The unenviable plight of working parents

Working parents have to juggle the twin demands of being responsible parents as well as professionals. Meeting both goals successfully is not an easy job, as workplaces are getting busier and pressure ridden and children more demanding..

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Unhealthy sex and the pity it evokes

With lot of sex-related crimes taking place, the divinity of sex has been brought down to mere shame and scandals. Sex unless enjoyed the way it is envisaged in the scriptures, is but an ugly act. Healthy sex should evoke a sense of piety, not pity..

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Being a girl

As I decided to write on women issues, I found myself up the creek. It is, indeed, a daring job demanding spunk in you to produce such ‘real’ incidents. So here I am, writing my first such piece; not going far, I pen down my experiences..

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Save water, save life!

Water crisis is one of the major issues that the world is facing and it is the responsibility, perhaps the duty of each one of us to contribute towards water management. Intelligent utilisation of water resources is the need of the hour..

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Friday, June 20, 2008

When we are pained

It is a good idea to release pain so that it causes little or no injury and then eventually vanishes into thin air. We must remember that we can only grow with a sense of responsibility. If this can happen, then we can be responsible for our own pain..

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Impending Diabetic Tsunami!

Incidence of Diabetes, closely related to life style, is alarmingly going up in India targeting the young. One in every five diabetics in the world is an Indian. Urgent measures are needed to tackle this as the 'diabetic tsunami' is soon going to hit..

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Red Fort charms foreign tourists

India is witnessing encouraging trends in the tourism sector with foreign tourist inflows touching five million mark in the year 2007. Domestic tourism is also a key driver. The “Incredible India” campaign has led to immense interest and awareness..

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Malls: Generating employment for the lower class

The shopping malls are not only making the lives of upper middle class more easier, but have also given the people from the lower strata an opportunity to improve their living standards by providing them ample employment opportunities..

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Cell phones: The cause for lethal ailments?

One of the greatest inventions of mankind, cell phones, has been the topic of debate right since its invention. The electromagnetic waves emitted from mobile phones can seriously damage the tissues of the users' brain, leading to fatal consequences..

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mere Baap Pehle Aap: A review

The movie does not have memorable performances, and not at all an unforgettable storyline. But as a whole, the story is able to make you laugh, amaze you with a few very sweet moments that the script throws up and unwind totally. Worth a watch!.

More on Mere Baap Pehle Aap: A review

Monday, June 16, 2008

Self medication is harmful

Medicines are important to help us get cured at the right time. But popping medicines on our own, without the doctor's consult can become fatal. Here are some few list of medicine, which gives adverse reaction when taken on our on...

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When youngsters drink and drive

Driving under the influence of liquor should never be encouraged – drinks dull the senses and even if it is in the dead of night or deserted roads, accidents can happen at any moment. It should be in the interest of all to take necessary precautions..

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A clash of Commissions

Is it right for young women to join the convent at 18 and risk their share of property getting donated to the church authorities? Justice Sreedevi doesn't think so. According to her, a girl joins a convent, merely under family pressure...

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Changing relationship of father and child

Aarushi’s story is just like a message, not only for children but also for parents to bring their children nearer to them. It is their affection, which has the power to abstain them from unsocial and uncivilised practices of the present era..

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Pretty men!

A woman's territory and beauty treatments are now being lapped up by men. They are eager to look prettier and this new-age man is not embarrassed being open about his fad for looking good. There are a lot of takers for this among men, age no bar..

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Religious quibblings

A lot has been said and done in the name of religion but hardly anybody tries to frame it in the right mold. In fact, in India religion is still a subject of mythology and philosophical speculations, which are merely the hallmark of entertainment..

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Mega Bite gets ready for another fishing season

A stellar attraction of Virginia Beach inshore fishing is undoubtedly the excellent striped bass fishing. These delicious fish migrate down the east coast and congregate in the lower Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters from November through March..

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Collector's item: Currency on sale!

For currency collector's its a surprise item. Antique and error marked notes are on auction at the ebay site. Despite new currency having edged them out of the market, these notes still retain their charm, and have added premium to their market value. .

More on Collector's item: Currency on sale!

Men vs women

The issue of male versus female is there only so long as there is a case of molestation or sexual harassment. Otherwise, for all practical purposes, the distinction is superfluous..

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Society: A mirage?

We often talk about society and the ill happenings in the society. And in the process, very conveniently we pass the entire blame on to the society thinking that everyone else, other than us, forms the society and is responsible for the mess..

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Murder of senior citizens

Senior citizens are, by nature, reluctant to move out of their own homes because of sentimental reasons. They suffer from nostalgia in trying to relive those precious lost moments they cherish in silence. The consequences are not too happy..

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Pandurang S Sawant: An extraordinary common man

PS Sawant dedicated his life for the upliftment of village children who were denied basic education. He opened high schools in his village, built as a result of ‘shramdaan’, meaning donating one's labour without expecting anything in return..

More on Pandurang S Sawant: An extraordinary common man

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pre marriage course for bachelors by AIIMS

To live happily ever after is everything that a couple wants after they tie the marital knot. In order to accomplish that dream, AIIMS will be conducting a pre marriage course for those couples, planning to get married. Registration is required..

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RJs’ mission to save environment

Scientists' warn that mankind is responsible for global warming. It has set off alarm bells. To save the environment, an RJ of the Shillong Radio Ooo La La station, Bah Manik, is spreading the message of abandoning plastic from daily use..

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Honour killings or punishment murders?

Honour killing is a punishment murder committed by family members against women or children to uphold the supposed family’s or community’s honour. But by killing for honour, has the murderer done anything honourable in the eyes of the maker?.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Intensive treatment reduces diabetes complications

Presented today at the American Diabetes Association and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the results of ADVANCE show that this intensive treatment strategy has the potential to benefit millions of diabetic patients worldwide..

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Life: A noun or an adjective?

The word 'life' is a verb where you don’t show any action, it becomes an adjective for you. All you need to do is to flow in life whatever it gives you. When you're on the verge of loosing all hopes in life, move in the direction where you've started..

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Friday, June 6, 2008

The importance of trees

Trees are very important to our environment. It purifies air and also provides fruits, woods for human beings. But the ever-increasing population is destroying the existing forest cover, which in turn will lead to the destruction of humankind itself..

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The stock heroes

There are issues in India, which people remain indifferent to. For example, stock exchange is unduly hyped by the media for its highs and lows, while national heroes or actors who become MPs, cannot digest the din inside the Parliament..

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Senior citizens in peril

Crimes against senior citizens have seen a manifold increase in the recent past. Left at the mercy of domestic helps and neighbours, they fall an easy prey to such crimes. As a result, they have developed a life full of danger, tension and loneliness..

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Protect the environment for survival

We are the ones polluting the surroundings – whether it is the plastic bags or the exhaust fumes or the dust filled air, we just do not bother about protecting our environment. These unclean surroundings give rise to innumerable diseases..

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to prepare for a meeting with your to be in-laws

Going to meet your would-be in-laws is one of the most dreaded things in everybody's life. You don't know what to do, what to talk or how to behave, but you desperately want them to like you. Here are some tips on just the right way to their hearts..

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The topsy-turvy world of drug addicts

The influence of drugs in our lives is taking alarming proportions. The exact point of time when drugs entered the precincts of the college and gradually enticed the youth into its fold would go into a voluminous research..

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fraudulent emails harass net users

Cases of using fake identity, creating fake profiles etc are quite common to all the Internet users. Recently, a journalist had to face embarrassment since his ID was hacked by someone, who then sent mails to all his friends, asking for money..

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And they call it a man’s world!

Men do the most risky jobs in the society, pay 82 per cent of taxes in India and yet neither do they have a national commission of men to redress their grievances nor a welfare ministry to look after them. We have animal welfare ministries but not one for.

More on And they call it a man’s world!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rag pickers in modern day India

Ever wondered where does your daily garbage go? Not that you care but ask one of the rag pickers in modern day India and he would be able to tell you every nook and corner of the city where this trash gets accumulated. For them, it is their workplace!.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tobacco addiction high among Indian students

Tobacco use among the Indian students is on the rise. About 14 per cent of the students are addicted to this slow death. It's not just cigarette but they consume gutkha and bidi as well. Globally, it results in 10 deaths every minute..

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Ghayathri hosts 1st anniversary of DD Neroy gallery

The first anniversary of the DD Neroy gallery was celebrated on May 28. It was hosted by Ghayathri Desai and Ram Neroy. They displayed 52 works of 25 artists. Desai also gave a brief interview and told about her life and career..

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