Lifestyle in News

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let’s begin anew

A survey of contemporary New Year resolutions shows that health-related goals top the charts every year. This year, with global economic recession breeding insecurity and the recent terror attack on Mumbai, understandably, a change has set in..

More on Let’s begin anew

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A treatment solution for MRSA that really works

Honeymark, a manufacturer of high-end skin care products has developed an antiseptic cream containing a special type of honey that is effective in successfully treating Staph infections caused by MRSA and other infectious bacteria..

More on A treatment solution for MRSA that really works

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mobiles are here to stay, but shun mobile addiction

This is the lifeline of Gen Next kids. No matter what others may think, the young and old, all are fully occupied with mobile phones. Only a few or nobody knows or cares about the disadvantages of using mobiles..

More on Mobiles are here to stay, but shun mobile addiction

Good sleeps leads to healthier body and mind

For many, sleep is a natural end to the day. It comes naturally, easily and without much effort. For others, getting a good night’s sleep is an ongoing problem. They don't get sleep and have problems. But most people are not aware of, or willing to accept.

More on Good sleeps leads to healthier body and mind

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Are live-ins here to stay?

Live-in relationships are a growing phenomenon, live and let live seems to be the mantra. Live-in relationships are still not acceptable in India but times are changing. Would that mean even relationships are changing?.

More on Are live-ins here to stay?

Men too bear the brunt of domestic violence

The University of the West Indies held a meet on “understanding the problems and finding solutions to domestic violence”. Domestic violence against men was now a “closeted crime” since men were usually too embarrassed to complain to the authorities..

More on Men too bear the brunt of domestic violence

Chocolates, wine improve brain performance

The experiment suggests that those who consume chocolate, wine or tea have scored better and shown lower prevalence of poor cognitive performance than those who do not. Among the three, the most effective is wine..

More on Chocolates, wine improve brain performance

Monday, December 22, 2008

The advantages of having a dress code

It’s not only about the dress we wear. The code also includes your countenance. In many western countries people smile as if to acknowledge the presence of the other. As a nation we have frowns all over, as though each one of us has a load to carry..

More on The advantages of having a dress code

Passing out parade at Air Force Academy

97 flight cadets passed out from Air Force Academy. They joined active duty in the rank and file of the IAF. Five officers from Indian Navy and one officer from Indian Coast Guard also got their flying wings at the Combined Graduation Parade..

More on Passing out parade at Air Force Academy

Do Indians respect personal space?

Every one of us needs to know that each one of us likes having a certain amount of space, which is one’s very own. In this space a person explores and finds himself. In Roger’s Theory it is called being in one’s own world..

More on Do Indians respect personal space?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home improvement: Planning and budget

Budget is one of the first things that one has to consider before going for home improvement. And most of the time the urgency of the requirement and the budget together determine what part of one's house goes in for improvement first.

More on Home improvement: Planning and budget

Friday, December 19, 2008

Beasts turning into beauties

These days out of four actors' one actor has opted for cosmetic surgery to look glamorous on the screen. The trend for cosmetic surgery was set in 1906 by Miller an American surgeon. That was a milestone and in 2008 there is no speed breaker. .

More on Beasts turning into beauties

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happiness and peace

Happiness is involved mostly with the material world. Non-material happiness is also present. It may be called physical happiness. Let us call it sexual happiness. Sincere love also makes a person happy. Peace is something different from happiness..

More on Happiness and peace

Friendships at work can also boost output

Some would say that friendship should never be encouraged in the workplace, but others may disagree. When people become friendly three things can happen. It can lead to intimacy, give and take friendship or accommodating friendship.

More on Friendships at work can also boost output

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lifestyle diseases in urban youth

Improving economy and changing lifestyles have made the youth susceptible to diseases like heart ailments and diabetes. It is more of a problem in urban families, in which it is aggravated by lack of understanding and time..

More on Lifestyle diseases in urban youth

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can gays be better parents?

An Israeli gay couple came to India, hired a surrogate mother and went back as happy parents. It exposed Indian double standards. Social scientists feel that gays are more equipped for better parenting since they are liberated of social prejudices..

More on Can gays be better parents?

Euthanasia debate: A killing or a mercy death?

Many think that the right to live is closely linked to the right to death since death is an event of life itself. In the Jain philosophy, there is provision of willingly embracing death in old age. This tradition is called Santhara..

More on Euthanasia debate: A killing or a mercy death?

The agony and solution of headaches

Scientists are still trying to fathom the cause of most headaches. It was once surmised that that the dilation of blood vessels along with constriction caused most migraines, and that tension-style headaches were caused by muscle contractions..

More on The agony and solution of headaches

Woman power asserts itself in India’s economic surge

The inertia of traditional thinking is being shaken by the realities of a new age. The mindset in all the spheres has always. One of the compelling realities is that the Indian women (half the population of our country) has proven to be an asset.

More on Woman power asserts itself in India’s economic surge

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Keeping your cool in times of adversity

It is vital to keep your cool in the face of adversity or hurt. Not to do anything when something has upset you. Not to write anything that is official or important. Not to talk unnecessarily. Not to drive. Not to take any decisions..

More on Keeping your cool in times of adversity

Threat of global warming

As per terms and condition of Kyoto Protocol, India and China have no restriction on their greenhouse gas emission up to Year 2021. This is a mockery. Various international lobbies are working and interestingly not a single lobby is concerned about Mother.

MOre on Threat of global warming

Dangers of stress

As a result of chronic stress, human body produces cytokines, which detrimental to health. The chronic inflammation also increases the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Type 2 diabetes. So, keep away from stress for a healthy life..

More on Dangers of stress

Risk management

Risk management is a structured approach to managing uncertainty arising from a threat which can be caused by internal or external sources. Risk management as a subject on the whole has flourished a lot in the past few years..

More on Risk management

Monday, December 8, 2008

Does poverty help nurture terrorism?

Thinking in terms of ideology alone makes it easy to say that terrorists exist in the grip of the irrational and are driven by religious or cultural beliefs. They are not driven entirely by idiosyncratic ideology, any more than they are entirely by economy.

More on Does poverty help nurture terrorism?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Media should report, not editorialise

India’s satellite homes have 300-odd channels to choose from, of which 60 plus focus on news and current affairs. This curtails the attention span of the viewers whose fingers twitch the remote control when the channels take a break for commercials.

More on Media should report, not editorialise

Listen to your heart, reach out to people!

Just listening can also be of help. Just being there sometimes we even save a life just by calling at that moment enquiring of a person. Listening is the most important quality in the helping profession..

More on Listen to your heart, reach out to people!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Legalise prostitution and homosexuality, check AIDS

Around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world – of which anything between four and six million people in India are living with this dreaded disease. It is now said India has the highest number of AIDS affected people..

More on Legalise prostitution and homosexuality, check AIDS

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can photographs make you sick?

A real life story of how memories can stay with you even after the person has gone away. A woman reacted on the issue of being photographed or to a camera, to such an extent that it affected her health. Here’s a case study..

More on Can photographs make you sick?

Now no worries, permanent make-up is here

Women with pale lips, odd eyebrows and asymmetrical features need not worry anymore since permanent make-up is at their rescue. Permanent make-up is a cosmetic technique that employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble make-up

More on Now no worries, permanent make-up is here

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Women sell themselves and the products too

The image of a typical women starting changing and she was not just a homemaker. Women have jobs and they began to bring in money into the household. In an advertisement for lipstick, the image sends a message of fulfilling sexual wishes.

More on Women sell themselves and the products too

Madames winter collection 08

Globally famous women apparel brand, Madame has launched its Winter/Fall 2008 collection. The collection has three categories - Casual, party and formal wear. It's definitely different, go and choose your favourite.

More on Madame's winter collection ' 08

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Male menopause: A reality?

A recent research in America has revealed that as many as one in five males over the age of 65 years could be experiencing some symptoms of menopause, which include low libido, irritability, tiredness, weight gain, sweating, aches and pains.

More on Male menopause: A reality?

Fading tunes of Dhuduki

The popularity of folk arts in the state of Orissa is decreasing with the boom of peppy Bollywood tunes and modern western instruments. Alongwith it, the music of Dhuduki, an ancient folk instrument, used in songs as well as dance is fading away.

More on Fading tunes of Dhuduki

Monday, November 24, 2008

Breaking parental bonds for career ambitions

Solitude of aged people is sometimes a problem created by their own ambitions. Once a child leaves home to fulfill his or his parent’s dream, dreams do come true but rarely does he come back to support his parents during their old age.

More on Breaking parental bonds for career ambitions

Sanjay Dutt coming out with ‘The Roar of a Lion’

Controversial film star, Sanjay Dutt’s autobiography has been titled, ‘The Roar of a Lion’ and it is almost half way complete. Dutt’s filmmaker friend, Sanjay Gupta too has commissioned a biography of the actor as a tribute to him..

More on Sanjay Dutt coming out with ‘The Roar of a Lion’

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An evening at Wagah

The ceremony at Wagah has been performed in a perfectly coordinated daily ritual for almost 57 years. A long white line, born of the 1947 partition of Britain's Indian empire, defines the border between the hostile neighbours.

More on An evening at Wagah

Stay healthy and happy

'Health is wealth’, it’s easy to say but nowadays, people with their busy schedule are left with very little time to take care of their diet and health. They are more prone to junk food that ruins their health..

More on Stay healthy and happy

Monday, November 17, 2008

Garbage: Seeking co-operation from citizens

A few dedicated residents must take up the responsibility. Train young boys to ask adults about polluting the open space -- this creates a sense of shame sometimes. Its time to take a stand rather than playing the blame game.

More on Garbage: Seeking co-operation from citizens

Adding warmth, cheer to senior citizens lives

All of us know about day care centres for small kids, but not many think about similar needs of senior citizens. Aikya Care, a centre for senior citizens in South India is taking care of the elders and spreading happiness amongst the people..

More on Adding warmth, cheer to senior citizens lives

Sunday, November 16, 2008

linking road bandra - shoppers paradise

Linking Road in Bandra (Mumbai) is a veritable shoppers’ paradise. It stretches from National College, Bandra, right up to Khar. It attracts buyers from all over Mumbai and from outside Mumbai as well. You can buy even customised footwear here..

More on linking road bandra - shoppers paradise

Nothing beats the good ol’ ‘darzi’

Despite the readymade industry, boutiques are doing good business and acquiring a dress from them is nothing less than a style statement. Readymade clothes have a problem; the moment you come out of the shop you see people wearing the same style..

More on Nothing beats the good ol’ ‘darzi’

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yoga: For perfect bliss and liberation

Yoga is a practical system of self-culture. It is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious development of the body, mind and the soul. Yoga is the turning away of the senses from the objective universe and the concentration of the mind within..

More on Yoga: For perfect bliss and liberation

Load shedding for a stretch of 32 hours!

Maharashtra is subjected to 32 hours load shedding at a stretch. While the country rejoices at sending a satellite to moon, few areas are slated to go back to the Stone Age. People have no option but to depend on alternative source of energy.

More on Load shedding for a stretch of 32 hours!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Top 10 irritating English phrases: Oxford research

English language is replete with such phrases that have become almost repulsive on account of overuse. Certain phrases have even lost their original meaning and mean something that is only remotely associated with the original idea, if at all..

More on Top 10 irritating English phrases: Oxford research

Monday, November 10, 2008

Introverts versus extroverts

Normally people who tend to be quiet and reserved are considered to be weak and timid, especially if you live in the eastern part of the world where people are social and warm by nature. In the eastern part collectivism is the word..

More on Introverts versus extroverts

That's all back benchers want

No teacher is bothered about back benchers but believe me if you look carefully in to their uncanny eyes, they certainly create an impression and catch your attention. So friends have a good impression about these generous and courteous students..

More on That's all back benchers want

Prayer: A direct appeal to the God within

Prayer can be defined as an anguished cry of the soul in distress and helplessness; a power fuller and greater than itself for relief and comfort. In a general sense, it is an invocation to God, competent to grant solace and peace to a tortured, torn mind.

More on Prayer: A direct appeal to the God within

The plight of print journalism

The calibre of writing has slowly deteriorated over the years. For instance, if you look at the average news story in the local newspaper you'll notice it takes them forever to get to the point. Further, news reporting has become less objective.

More on The plight of print journalism

Friday, November 7, 2008

Their cup of woe overflows

The transsexuals in India lead a miserable life. The society shuns and looks down upon them. They are often made fun of and are also sexually harassed. However, the government has hardly taken any steps to remedy the problem..

More on Their cup of woe overflows

Tobacco and alcohol use among adults

Advertising has been found to influence the consumption of tobacco and alcohol products among adults and youth. Several marketing practice like pricing and availability also increase the consumption of such products among the young masses..

More on Tobacco and alcohol use among adults

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meditation is a complete way to fight stress

At present, the prevailing financial crisis have badly effected the world economy, causing mental stress and related diseases, making it more difficult to live a peaceful and healthy life.Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga may be a solution..

More on Meditation: A complete way to fight stress

Portraying the modern Indian woman

Modern Indian women are nowhere to be found in the popular culture. The Indian popular culture has been dominated by the stereotypes, ie the ever-sacrificing, sari-clad and ‘bechaari’ Indian woman. Time the industry set it right..

More on Portraying the modern Indian woman

Friday, October 31, 2008

Orissa: Things fall apart - II

Mere deployment of paramilitary forces would not help, as this is not a law and order problem alone. Mere imposition of Article 356 over the entire state of Orissa will not help either. This is not a political problem alone. The rot runs much deeper!.

More on Orissa: Things fall apart - II

Humanity: Mother of all religions

Dr Dhirendra Sharma, the convenor of the concerned scientists and philosophers for social action has appealed the leaders of all faiths, religions and countries to preach humanity and non-violence in order to maintain peace and harmony in the world..

More on Humanity: Mother of all religions

What you need to succeed.

What is it that is needed in order to be successful in life? Is there a magic formula to achieve success? Pundits and scholars could give you a list of more than a thousand qualities, but the most important thing needed in life to succeed is passion.

More on What you need to succeed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nutrigenomics: The next wave for food industry

Nutrigenomics is the study of food and nutrition focussed mainly on the interactions with diseases and human-specific genes. Nutrigenomics addresses how individual genomes respond to complex nutrients and chemical mixtures present in our food..

More on Nutrigenomics: The next wave for food industry

All about wine

Today, wine-making is one of the most popular hobbies as it requires minimal equipment and space and no professional skill - any adult with patience, curiosity and an aptitude for experimentation can be a wine-maker..

More on All about wine

Being unborn: When does life begin?

There is a serious moral issue involved in medical abortions. If the foetus can breathe, have a heartbeat, developing brain and functioning organs,isn't it ridiculous to presume that it may not have any take on a subject concerning its life or death?.

More on Being unborn: When does life begin?

What is a muscle spasm?

Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of muscle that can be chronic and painful. There can be numerous types of muscle spasms and reasons for it. Some muscle spasm occurs after a trauma to an area, while still others have no discernible cause..

More on What is a muscle spasm?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heed the voice of God, and you will never go wrong

The debate over politics and religion continues unabated. Spirituality should be the guiding force behind any politics. One should follow ones’ inner voice, be guided by one’s action as these are directions given by God himself..

More on Heed the voice of God, and you will never go wrong

The demon of recession spells doom on Diwali

The dampening impact of the global recession is vivid on Diwali. Many people are in no mood to celebrate it at all. Shop owners say the wavering stock market, double-digit inflation and recent terror attacks have hit consumers’ buying spirits.

More on The demon of recession spells doom on Diwali

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hell and Heaven is on earth nowadays

It is our actions which take us to Hell or Heaven. We design our life with our deeds. Being good is harder than being a beast. Hell and Heaven is right here, right now. Whatever we do for others, we do get the same in return.

MOre on Hell and Heaven is on earth nowadays

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ethical leadership: The desire to make a difference

Exposure is just about keeping your eyes, ears open, about being alert, about staying awake, and knowing ‘what’s going on’. This comes through ethical leadership, which is sans power, position, and privilege..

More on Ethical leadership: The desire to make a difference

Emotions and rational thinking

Once you become aware of why you do certain things, you can resist people trying to emotionally manipulate you and realise that the decisions you make are actually due to your emotional state rather than logical thinking..

More on Emotions and rational thinking

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why do women have better judgement than men?

There is an old Chinese saying "man thinks he knows, but woman knows better", and some people say "females are like cats, they do what they want and cannot be tamed"..

More on Why do women have better judgement than men?

My journey with Harry Potter series

JK Rowling is a great writer. A window opened somewhere to a whole new world of witchcraft and wizardry. Her books are great, though there are some unpronounceable characters in her stories..

More on My journey with Harry Potter series

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Theme bound Durga Pujas

Gradually, with an increase in the numbers of public celebrations and the urge to attract eyeballs, there came a time when pandals went in for mesmerising the crowds. The display of lights, which creates wonders, are a delight to viewers' eyes..

More on Theme bound Durga Pujas

Get set for the revolution- Part I

Guru Siyag declared the commencement of "Spiritual Revolution in the World" which will justify the "Words of Vedic Philosophy", practically, giving, on the spot results, just like modern science. The Vedic Philosophy is no more a theoretical subject, as G

More on Get set for the revolution- Part I

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An insight into the life of Saadat Hasan Manto

"There, behind barbed wire, on one side, lay India and behind more barbed wire, on the other side, lay Pakistan. In between, on a bit of earth which had no name, lay Toba Tek Singh." -'Toba Tek Singh' by Saadat Hasan Manto

More on An insight into the life of Saadat Hasan Manto

Festival season hails love, devotion

Indian festival season has started from September 30. It is the time when India celebrates love and devotion. A lot many festivals like Eid, Navaratri, Dusherra, Diwali etc, are eagerly awaited by millions of people all across the country.

More on Festival season hails love, devotion

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Authors' surprise for readers on Durga Puja

Authors of earlier vintage have seen and used cellphones. But, when it comes to translate their ideas into Internet lingo, they find themselves in the most difficult situation. Chat rooms, buddies and SMSs are like Latin and Greek to them.

MOre on Authors' surprise for readers on Durga Puja

Siddha Yoga conquers incurable diseases

Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga can save mankind from many deadly diseases like cancer, arthritis, AIDS, etc. He describes Siddha Yoga as a process based on the solid principles of Vedic science that aims in the complete development of human beings.

More on Siddha Yoga conquers incurable diseases

Friday, September 19, 2008

The chocolate story

The chocolate story started when a young girl of only 17 years of age, Nikita Malhotra took up various courses in chocolate-making. She eventually started making chocolates at home and selling them to her friends and family.. more on The chocolate story

Eid flowers for your loved ones

Show your love and affection on this day of Eid, show love and respect for your loved ones. With beautiful Eid flowers and other gifts you can convey your message to your loved ones. maria. more on Eid flowers for your loved ones

Nahur station needs to be adopted

Nahur station needs a godfather to tend to it. Its location demands that it be beautified and its uniqueness preserved. Any corporate house adopting the new station and maintaining the lawns and greenery near the station will be a welcome move.. more on Nahur station needs to be adopted

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Bengali 'adda' - II

An 'adda' can be termed as a 'valve' that provides release to your pent-up feelings against the system. The local 'addas' usually focus on neighborhood issues like what sort of cultural programme will be suitable to welcome a son of the soil from abroad. more on The Bengali 'adda' - II

Indian auto-rickshaw drivers: A desperate lot

Auto drivers, the navigators of the cities, are often looked down upon by the people and the reward that they receive in return is very poor. We need to address their grievances and ensure that they get what they deserve.. more on Indian auto-rickshaw drivers: A desperate lot

The Bengali adda - III

Addas were a form of brainstorming. The addas helped release thoughts that lay dormant beneath a veneer of seriousness. There emerged ideas that resulted in the beginning of an epic or that sowed the seeds of a novel in the mind of its recipient.. more on The Bengali adda - III

Monday, September 15, 2008

Globalisation is gender-insensitive

The dominant gender is against the present wave of globalisation. It is felt that the globalisation process and practices have not factored in the gender issue. Globalisation and gender equality are mutually conflicting concepts.. more on Globalisation is gender-insensitive

Let's break the barriers of our own little worlds

We tend to fatten in our bodies. But that's no real danger. When, along with our bodies, we also fatten in the skull, that's where the real danger is posed. We always think ourselves as per our religion but never as Indians. more on Let's break the barriers of our own little worlds

Love or love-marriage, what lasts?

People fall in love, get married, and then either they live happily ever after or pretend they are still head over heels in love with their partners. But sooner or later, they realise the developing discords in their relationships and part ways.. more on Love or love-marriage, what lasts?

An India without Indianness

What an Indian’s life would become if we tolerate the intolerance towards diversity, which has been the USP of India? With the Thackeray menace on in Maharashtra, India would soon become this way....Stop regionalism.. more on An India without Indianness

The politics of fashion

While good looks certainly do not matter in politics, an attractive politician is sure to remain the cynosure of all eyes. Good looks coupled with a right dressing sense definitely makes for a heady combo in a politician.. more on The politics of fashion

The politics of fashion

While good looks certainly do not matter in politics, an attractive politician is sure to remain the cynosure of all eyes. Good looks coupled with a right dressing sense definitely makes for a heady combo in a politician.. more on The politics of fashion

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rock On ranks number 13 on iTunes

Music knows no boundaries and this is evident from the burgeoning success of Rock On's music worldwide. The music album stood at number 13 on iTunes US World Music chart. Its robust rock soundtrack was created by composer trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy.. more on Rock On ranks number 13 on iTunes

Alimony: The Trojan horse of matrimony

Alimony, although designed to protect destitute non-earning spouse from a divorce, of late has become the motivator for the same. In today’s dynamic socio-economic scenario, alimony has become the Trojan horse of matrimony.. more on Alimony: The Trojan horse of matrimony

'Faith', the healing power of mankind

Faith is the shoulder, on which one can cry out their discouraged feelings and in return – gets the boon of hope which alters one's failure into an everlasting success. Yes this is what, faith means to a person who wants to achieve success in life.. more on 'Faith', the healing power of mankind

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Green paradise

Two trees held in great religious reverence, adorn the backyard of our house. This green thicket, which is a rarity in concrete cities, infuses a serenity in the ambiance. But often empirical interests become a barrier to these nature's wonders.. more on Green paradise

Follow traffic rules: Help save a life

Every day people die on the roads due to reckless driving, speeding, etc and we blame the government for failing to provide good roads. But as responsible citizens, we can make the roads safer for all by simply following some basic traffic rules.. more on Follow traffic rules: Help save a life

Sweat more for battling asthma attacks

In a recent study carried out by researchers from America it was discovered that persons who are active and prone to sweating have some inbuilt protection from exercise induced asthma attacks. Around 56 cases of healthy people were studied. more on Sweat more for battling asthma attacks

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's no crime to be gay

Gays are neither other worldly nor are they asocial and anti-cultural. They are human beings with a different make and attitude, the same way that others are. I would rather call them differently abled community.. more on It's no crime to be gay

Studio 309 organised birthday bash for Ishant Sharma

India's pace battery, Ishant Sharma turned 20 this year on September 2. Studio 309 organised a grand birthday bash for him at New Delhi's Le Meredien hotel, which was attended by his family members, friends and teammates like MS Dhoni, V Sehwag. more on Studio 309 organised birthday bash for Ishant Sharma

Gautam is gay. Are you?

Gays in India are slowly getting social acceptance though obstacles remain. They are becoming increasingly outspoken. Here is an anecdote of a gay about how he struggled to proclaim his sexual orientation in the society.. more on Gautam is gay. Are you?

Gautam is gay. Are you?

Gays in India are slowly getting social acceptance though obstacles remain. They are becoming increasingly outspoken. Here is an anecdote of a gay about how he struggled to proclaim his sexual orientation in the society.. more on Gautam is gay. Are you?

Gautam is gay. Are you?

Gays in India are slowly getting social acceptance though obstacles remain. They are becoming increasingly outspoken. Here is an anecdote of a gay about how he struggled to proclaim his sexual orientation in the society.. more on Gautam is gay. Are you?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Paid in full with one glass of milk

The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again, at least you have made the world a better place. And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?. more on Paid in full with one glass of milk

Does the media care about social issues?

As questions are raised on how efficiently Indian media is covering social issues, a seminar was organised jointly by the BBC World Service and MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia to debate the issues of media's obsession and responsibility. more on Does the media care about social issues?

Women self-help groups bring economic uplift

Many women self-help groups in rural India have motivated thousands of uneducated women to work in community like Anganwadi to achieve financial independence. This gives them individual identity and courage to stand up against domestic violence. more on Women self-help groups bring economic uplift

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rishton ki jama punji: Banks and social capital

n an earlier era, banks would open for just four hours – typically from 10 am to 2 pm and banking could be done only at the branch where you had an account. The accounts would be maintained manually and we had to wait endlessly for the transaction. more on Rishton ki jama punji: Banks and social capital

Think about teachers on Teacher’s day

Right from the kindergarten days, the teachers take care of the growing needs of the children. It's the teachers, who impart knowledge on subjects that help the students become well armed to tackle the world on their own, when they come of age.. more on Think about teachers on Teacher’s day

True teachers please stand up on Teachers’ Day

In India, teachers are also called as gurus, a dispeller of darkness and a torch bearer. A teacher awakens the human potential of learning and self-realisation among students. Thus, a true teacher is supposed to enlighten the minds of his students.. more on True teachers please stand up on Teachers’ Day

Remembering teachers on Teachers' Day

A teacher is the first person after parents, who introduces the child to this wonderful world. She not only teaches the child, but also shapes his destiny and inculcates virtues in him. Teaching still forms the basis of all professions.. more on Remembering teachers on Teachers' Day

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The great Onam market bonanza

Onam is celebrated with pomp and gaiety in Kerala. Interestingly, it is looting time for industry as market majors prepare their grand design for a final onslaught on the minds of consumerist Kerala with an array of discounts and irresistible offers. more on The great Onam market bonanza

Teachers who cared!

One of the kids of a teacher couple failed during a particular year. The kid had to be detained. The parents did not try to exert any influence on the Principal or the class teacher. If the kid was not up to the mark, he would be detained. more on Teachers who cared!

Baltal: The land of contention

Baltal, once a pristine valley, is being degraded by the rising tide of religious tourism. Shorn of all religiosity and the politics over the transfer of land, one cannot but pity the loss of the valley that was a gift of nature for us to cherish.. more on Baltal: The land of contention

Citizen journalism should be promoted

Some sections of the traditional media are increasingly losing their adversarial position. They are no longer the harbinger of progressive and democratic values that they used to be – they are no longer the defenders of the rights of citizenry. more on Citizen journalism should be promoted

Monday, September 1, 2008

Triune brain: Its link with evolution, spirituality

Man continues to evolve, as per to the evolutionary consciousness theory, through carrying in our psyche, traces of the whole consciousness of our evolution, all previous births and their experiences stored as Ojas, a Sanskrit word meaning 'vigour'.. more on Triune brain: Its link with evolution, spirituality

Lord Ganesh and his modaks

Modaks, the favourite food of Lord Ganesh, are an important offering without which the Ganesh festival is incomplete. These are prepared in different ways - some are stuffed while others can be made from khava/mava.. more on Lord Ganesh and his modaks

Are we losing respect for our elders?

In today's fast moving world, we seem to have lost respect for our elders in pursuit of chasing our dreams. When a child grows up, instead of taking up the responsibility, it often backs out. As a result, his parents end up in some old age homes.. more on Are we losing respect for our elders?

Ganapati bappa morya

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, during the days of freedom struggle, used the platform of Ganapati pujas to unite the masses against the British. Tilak is not with us today but the tradition he started remains.. more on Ganapati bappa morya

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Victorious Kidss: A school with a difference

Victorious Kidss Educares, located at Empress Garden, Pune, an implementing IB School is the only school in India that teaches Vedic maths and foreign languages to children at the age of two and three years.. more on Victorious Kidss: A school with a difference

Health insurance: Higher penetration needed

Inadequate regulatory norms pose a problem to insurance firms. The unethical ways in which hospitals charge the insured patients is unfortunate. The inability of the regulator to ensure rationalisation of hospital charges continues.. more on Health insurance: Higher penetration needed

Sainik Takli: The village, its honour and tradition

Fifty kms from Kolhapur city, on the banks of the Krishna river, is a village Sainik Takli where every household has at least one person serving in the Indian Army, and therefore the prefix ‘Sainik'.. more on Sainik Takli: The village, its honour and tradition

The top 10 fantasies of women

In a newly-conducted survey it was revealed that most women aged between 28 and 46 longed to be sex instructors and loved to impart lessons in love to a male virgin. However, they preferred doing it with their regular partners only.. more on The top 10 fantasies of women

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads

A two-wheeler is taken more as a pleasure packed machine than a mode of transportation. It gives us great convenience but at the same time causes social, familial and economic liabilities because of its mismanagement carried out by youths. more on Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads more on Two-wheeler borne terminators on roads

Vedanta philosophy: Finest fruit of wisdom

Hinduism, especially that of the Vedic period, has been singularly free of personages, and is rather an encyclopaedic collection of the experiences of rishis (the seers, and not thinkers) that is, those who went to a state of no-mind-awareness. more on Vedanta philosophy: Finest fruit of wisdom

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Continuation of life through sexual reproduction

Creation evokes enchantment. Birth of every individual is a result of a fascinating biological process. Every step is a wonder in itself. Each living organism is capable of replacing itself through its young one, forming a chain of life. more on Continuation of life through sexual reproduction

Do men and women learn differently?

Men and women should be equal in terms of opportunities to exercise their full potential, but they are not identical in their innate abilities. Whether they equal is a political or moral question, but whether they are identical is a scientific one. more on Do men and women learn differently?

Chilling affair @ Chill House for north Delhiites

The Chill House at North Ex Mall, Rohini is the hottest place for all, be it the young crown or old. Its the right place to be for the families who want to dine out and also for youngsters looking for fun. A chilling hangout for sure. more on Chilling affair @ Chill House for north Delhiites

Change your lifestyle and live longer!

It is time now for you to change your lifestyle, adopting yoga to live amply, accomplishing more, with more joy and less stress. Yoga strengthens your body and mind, provides mental peace and physical power, help you generate untapped energy within you. more on Change your lifestyle and live longer!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is 99 per cent enough?

In today's world even the one per cent, which one misses to make it cent percent, makes or mars one's prospects. The secret is not in loosing but in making the tide turn in your favour. However, love is much more demanding!. more on Is 99 per cent enough?

Dairy contributing to the economy of Singrijan

Residents of Singrijan, a village in Nagaland, depend mostly on diary besides agriculture for subsistence. Dairy has contributed a lot to the village's economy, providing profitable self-employment opportunities to the villagers.. more on Dairy contributing to the economy of Singrijan

NEHU students capture northeast on canvass

North Eastern Hill University organised its fifth annual art exhibition in Shillong. The exhibition highlighted the distinct region through it's craft traditions, the beautiful silks, clay made materials and bell metal work and paintings.. more on NEHU students capture northeast on canvass

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Has education made us more self-centred?

Education has made us more animal friendly and environment friendly, but it has taken us away from the human values and from acting for something which we believe is correct. It has made us indifferent towards the society and nation as a whole.. more on Has education made us more self-centred?

Are marriages on sale?

With changing norms of the society and the glitter that is added to the sparkling matrimonial advertisements, has the meaning of marriage really changed for the youth today or it still remains as red-hot as ever?. more on Are marriages on sale?

Women-only beaches for Muslim women

There are women-only beaches in Egypt where women can unwind themselves without men ogling them. In such exclusive zones, Muslim women find themselves free and comfortable in, bikinis, swimsuits, all under Islamic tenets of purdah. more on Women-only beaches for Muslim women

Monday, August 25, 2008

SDP chief Andrabi blames Centre for Jammu turmoil

Addressing a Press conference in Jammu, SDP president Darakshan Andrabi held the Central government responsible for not resolving the Jammu and Kashmir conflict. She blamed it for assuaging separatist Kashmiris and ignoring the demands of Jammuties. more on SDP chief Andrabi blames Centre for Jammu turmoil

What it means to be an atheist?

Being an atheist is quite taxing. Atheism is not just an awkward decision; it takes one through long-winded logical deductions to arrive at a certain situation where the all-pervading concept of ‘God’ no longer plays a role in one’s life. more on What it means to be an atheist?

Youth scramble for 'dahi handi' fest in Mumbai

The 'dahi handi' tradition marks the birthday of Lord Krishna. It has a human pyramid trying to reach a 'handi of curd' positioned at a precarious height. Anyone who breaks the 'handi' is entitled of the prize money, which runs into lakhs of rupees. more on Youth scramble for 'dahi handi' fest in Mumbai

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Books waiting for a comeback

Childhood memories are full of reading those happy ever-after story books, but this love gets lost somewhere in the chaos of life. Books are a lot more than mere Harry Potters, it's a plethora of knowledge and discovery of truths of life.. more on Books waiting for a comeback

Top ten reasons why women don’t need sex

A poll results reveal that majority of women prefer chocolate to sex! What is it in a chocolate that's more stimulating? Here are top ten reasons why women really don't need sex, they always have a substitute!. more on Top ten reasons why women don’t need sex

HIV+ people holds a rally on Independence Day

On the occasion of Independence Day, Purulia Zilla Parishad along with PDAMSMS and GMLF organised a youth awareness campaign on the theme 'HIV/ AIDS prevention' with an emphasis to fight the stigma attached to HIV and discrimination against PLHAs. more on HIV+ people holds a rally on Independence Day

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One rupee is not a rupee – one boy is not a boy

“One rupee is not a rupee, one boy is not a boy,” said a housewife from Shivpuri district of MP. Sex ratio in MP has declined at an alarming rate. It's the desire among people to have more than one son that is responsible for declining sex ratio.. more on One rupee is not a rupee – one boy is not a boy

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Menopause does not dampen libido

In a recent survey report, 40 per cent of women said that their relationships with their husbands improved after menopause and they enjoyed sex more without fear of becoming pregnant. Such studies dispel the myth that old age is a sexless wasteland. more on Menopause does not dampen libido

Life beyond AIDS

In order to fight HIV, all one needs is a strong will power to fight the disease. A positive frame of mind goes a long way to ease the dread of death. Remember, there is a life beyond HIV.. more on Life beyond AIDS

Slum children fight for school admissions

Slum children who were denied admissions in private schools despite government's order have got admission in the same schools. Thanks to Paridarshita’s efforts and support from ActionAid, 450 of Delhi’s poorest children are studying in these schools.. more on Slum children fight for school admissions

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The 'right' news

The media today is carried away in competition and has forgotten its norms and goals. The big media houses have turned to profit-seeking business players. It's time media realises its faults or it'll face government intervention soon..

More on The 'right' news

India: Home to phishing websites

India is the 14th ranked country worldwide that hosts phishing websites. Leading banks and their clients have been targeted over the past year. Lack of awareness by Indian net banking users have made phishing successful in India.

More on India: Home to phishing websites

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rampant smuggling of Indian star tortoises

Indian star tortoises are the most prized products in international market. It is traded illegally as it has lucrative overseas markets. It is illegal to possess or trade the tortoise. While it is not endangered, it is being pushed to extinction..

More on Rampant smuggling of Indian star tortoises

Fake cosmetics market flourishing in Delhi

The market of fake cosmetics is flourishing in most shady marketplaces of Delhi. Fakes of many luxury brands are sold at very low prices. Even as the experts indicate repercussions like skin allergies, people continue to buy these products..

More on Fake cosmetics market flourishing in Delhi

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is indian middle class consuming more food?

Indian middle class is consuming more food. This was not stated by any Indian politician, but it was American President George W Bush, who said that the Indian middle class is responsible for rising global food crisis.. more onIs indian middle class consuming more food?

Feng Shui: Energise your home with plants

The traditional art of placement, Feng Shui, revolves around the five basic elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Plants and flowers play an important role. Know, to what extent can they influence your life – the Feng Shui way.. more on Feng Shui: Energise your home with plants

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bombs rip the tranquility of Gandhi's Gujarat

The tranquility and peace of Mahatma Gandhi's Gujarat has been ripped into pieces. Calamities, natural and man made, have terrorised the people of this prosperous state. While reasons fail, astrology seems to have an answer.. more on Bombs rip the tranquility of Gandhi's Gujarat

Indians turn guinea pigs in clinical trials

Clinical trials of new drugs in India are a new opportunity which brings revenue as well as jobs for many. Yet, it is not all that rosy. A close look at the regulation with which India is armed in terms of allowing clinical trails. more on Indians turn guinea pigs in clinical trials

Monday, August 4, 2008

The politician Manmohan

Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, a thorough gentleman, who genuinely believes in what can help India grow further and see better days, is not a predator who exploits politics but only a victim who fell prey to predation of politics.. more on The politician Manmohan

Mission Literacy: Needs a face lift!

Literacy is a reasonably good indicator of development of a society, and if India has to march on the path of progress it has to wage its battle against illiteracy with much more vigour and piquancy. Urgent steps are needed in this direction. more on Mission Literacy: Needs a face lift!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

The terrorists hide messages in pictures of porn starlets, pornography sites or elsewhere to coordinate and accomplish their plans. These pictures and audio clips make excellent distracters as few people expect a text message to be hidden within it. more on Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

The terrorists hide messages in pictures of porn starlets, pornography sites or elsewhere to coordinate and accomplish their plans. These pictures and audio clips make excellent distracters as few people expect a text message to be hidden within it.

More on Pornographic pictures may carry terror plans

A minimalist life

Gaurav Mishra, an IIM Bangalore graduate describes the life that is to be ideally lived as one that fits into a backpack, so that you are free to indulge your wanderlust, to travel the world in search of meaning, maybe even walk into the wild..

More on A minimalist life

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sculpture with an environmental message

James Stone has come up with an Aquarium, with a mission to instill a sense of wonder, respect and stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants and ecosystems. It is a great way to inspire people to protect the ocean through art..

More on Sculpture with an environmental message

The importance of being selfish

We all need to be seriously selfish with the best things that come free for all. The sun that falls on my roof and property, is my sun. So is the case with the seasonal rains, winds and other natural delights. Let’s tap them for our selfish needs..

More on The importance of being selfish

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Grandmaa day celebrated along with chess tourney

Taleigao Chess Academy celebrated Grand Mothers Day with a chess tournament for the children. The tournament was categorised under three groups. Anand, Sahil and Shewtang came out victoriously in their respective groups..

More on Grandmaa day celebrated along with chess tourney

Only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches

Current, the society is plagued with innumerable problems. But is anyone ready to do anything about it? Only a small percentage of those affected do something. Everyone thinks that as long as we are safe, nothing needs to be done.

More on Only the wearer knows, where the shoe pinches

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Impact of late working hours

Most of us spend a lot of time in the office. The long working hours are greatly influencing our lives, especially its strong impact on health is enormous. The stress caused due to late working hours also needs to be managed in order to keep healthy. more on Impact of late working hours

Laugh a lot to beat stress

Meeting deadlines and pressure at work build up stress. But with a little laughter blended with yoga can help you to de-stress your self. Hasya Yoga, an ancient art, is a meditative practice blended with simple exercises is a great stress buster.. more on Laugh a lot to beat stress

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The potpourri of our life

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the two cups of coffee. Set your priorities first and the rest would automatically fall in places.. more on The potpourri of our life

Sunday, July 20, 2008

There is no short-cut in classical music

In an exclusive interview with CS Deshpande, violin maestro Dr N Rajam said that Indian classical music has touched millions of hearts surpassing all boundaries. In her message to youths she said that there is no short-cut in classical music.. more on There is no short-cut in classical music

Stop polluting the water bodies!

Aren’t we behaving like egocentrics? For our self-interests we are releasing the poisonous effluents into the natural water bodies and only when we realise that these polluted water bodies are posing a threat to our lives, we plan to clean them.. more on Stop polluting the water bodies!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Holistic acne treatment helps thousands worldwide

After four years of extensive research, Mike Walden, an ex- acne sufferer has launched a unique step-by-step acne treatment to help acne sufferers worldwide in their quest for a lasting acne cure and a life without the shame. .

More on Holistic acne treatment helps thousands worldwide

Chronic emotional stress ages immune system

Stress is a major problem. It not only affects our daily routine, but also makes us more susceptible to other related diseases. Besides that stress hormones can also reduce the ability of the cells to grow and divide giving ways to no new cells..

More on Chronic emotional stress ages immune system

Thursday, July 17, 2008

College ragging can be pleasure, or a pain

If conducted in a friendly manner ragging can be a good way of interaction between seniors and juniors, but there have been many instances of painful ragging and I students shudder at the thought of going to the college on the first day.
more on College ragging can be pleasure, or a pain

Teejan Bai: Hers is the story of ultimate struggle

Life was not easy for Padma Bhushan Dr Teejan Bai, an exponent of Pandavani. But, inspite of all the obstacles, she never left her singing and today she is the cultural ambassador of India. She now has about 150 students all over the world..
more on Teejan Bai: Hers is the story of ultimate struggle

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blog your way to the bank

There are 50 million blogs out there. Yours have to be good. You can submit your blogs to the blog directories like Technorati and Postami. You can create xml feeds and submit it to feed directories. You can blogtimise or optimise your blogs..

More on Blog your way to the bank

To be fit, ask these ten questions

How do we control our weight?Are there any external agencies that can make some noticeable difference to the way we appear?, for it is you who is going to be bear the brunt of being overweight or the blessing of being fit.

More on To be fit, ask these ten questions

Monday, July 14, 2008

Well-to-do brat? Wronged! Poor chap? Outlaw!!

A kid from Ahmedabad committed thefts amounting to Rs 15 lakh from his own house in four months. It was for funding a lavish lifestyle, chilling out lavishly with two ‘bullies’, after bunking classes. They apparently coerced him into stealing..

More on Well-to-do brat? Wronged! Poor chap? Outlaw!!

Nupur Talwar: A modern day Savitri

Dr Nupur Talwar's struggle in securing her husband's release reminds us of Savitri, a strong willed woman in the Hindu mythology. Just as the latter saved her husband from Yama, the former saved her husband from the police.

More on Nupur Talwar: A modern day Savitri

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Growing pains of the youth

The article emphasises on mental and physical pain faced by the growing youth from their parents, teachers and elders. Children are given too much too soon and they then grow up to be adults who have difficulty in coping with life’s disappointments..

More on Growing pains of the youth

Tuberculosis week: Global initiatives

TB this week provides a snapshot of five top news on TB control from around the world and World Health Organisation's initiative to fight the disease. Also a brief summary of emerging issues on Tuberculosis and AIDS..

More on Tuberculosis week: Global initiatives

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Men don't cry, ever wonder why?

We all have grown seeing and learning a well-accepted fact that men don't cry. Is it a fact or a myth? But I again wonder what if men start crying, who will be there to wipe off their tears. Here is a small try..

More on Men don't cry, ever wonder why?

Matters of matrimony: Changing patterns

Unlike olden days when matrimonial alliances were supposed to last a lifetime, alliance for life is interpreted differently by different persons today. If the union has broken due to whatever reasons, there is always hope for a fresh start..

More on Matters of matrimony: Changing patterns

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bank loans: Best means to your ends

As the needs and priorities of the people are growing day by day they need financial help to fulfill their wishes. But, they are usually not in a condition to meet these expenses from their own pockets. It is here that banks play a major role..

More on Bank loans: Best means to your ends

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beware! Size zero…leads nowhere

The fashion industry has banned models with a body mass index of below 18, after model Luisel Ramos collapsed on a runway and later died. To be a model and have the right body mass index, eat right and be sensuous and not anorexic..

More on Beware! Size zero…leads nowhere

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let’s get real about shows: No gain without pain!

When a 16 year old girl suffered from paralysis, after she was rebuked in a reality show by the judges for her poor performance, the incident drew national outcry, with many accusing the TV channel of exploiting the kids in the name of talent hunt..
More on Let’s get real about shows: No gain without pain!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do's and don'ts of stress control and spirituality

Erosion of potential is known as stress. Spirituality is the key. Selection of 'Eustress' over 'Dystress' is known as stress management. We should take care of ourselves. We should be energetic. Our thoughts should be positive..
more on Do's and don'ts of stress control and spirituality

Barter plastic waste for ginger and garlic

In an innovative method to deal with waste management, a Guwahati-based NGO 'Environ' in collaboration with women groups, is providing ginger and garlic to housewives in exchange of scrap polythene and to sensitise people about the effects of plastic..
more on Barter plastic waste for ginger and garlic

A sudden burst of laughter

Laughter is an audible expression or appearance of merriment or happiness or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure and the melody is measured keeping in mind the time of the burst out. And my sudden laughter made me an object of ridicule..
more on A sudden burst of laughter

Now Shilpa's yoga on your mobile

Shemaroo entertainment has tied up with various mobile operators to offer Bollywood beauty Shilpa Shetty's yoga for downloads. Not only the videos, even Shilpa's wall papers and screen savers in her yoga pose can also be downloaded.
more on Now Shilpa's yoga on your mobile

Monday, June 30, 2008

We need to impose waste-tax

It is not civic to let any organisation: Local, national, or multi-national, to come up and operate their businesses anywhere and go scot-free when it comes to the after-effects of their products' wastes. Waste-tax is the need of the hour..

More on We need to impose waste-tax

Good news for senior citizens

Six post offices in Durgapur have agreed to credit monthly returns directly to commercial banks against the respective MIS policies. The postal department has asked the post offices to expedite the process before July..

More on Good news for senior citizens

From juvenile ecstasy to a matured one

From carefree and untroubled inhibitions spent running around in school corridors, to matured and directed lives on professional fronts - ecstasy and jubilation take altering turns at every division of life..

More on From juvenile ecstasy to a matured one

Sunday, June 29, 2008

He is younger than me, but we are dating!

How important is age in a relationship? If a woman is independent, successful and financially settled is it wrong for her to date a younger man? The only thing that should matter is the mutual understanding between the two..

More on He is younger than me, but we are dating!

Outstation students prefer PG over college hostels

With the admission in DU going on in full swing, the hunt for hostels and PG accommodations too have started. This year the number of outstation students are high as usual and they seem to be preferring private hostels and PG over college hostels..

More on Outstation students prefer PG over college hostels

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Knighthood for Sir Controversy

Britain based Indian author, Salman Rushdie has been in controversies time and again. Be it regarding his writings or getting divorced or changing girlfriends like clothes. These spells of controversies make him a hot favourite and are his USP..

More on Knighthood for Sir Controversy

Mid-day meal in Himachal schools from July 1

Come July 1 and mid day meal will be provided to all students up to middle standard in all government and government-aided middle schools in Himachal Pradesh. The state government has made a provision of Rs10 crore under this scheme..

More on Mid-day meal in Himachal schools from July 1

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ayurveda conference in Shimla

State level campaign on 'geriatric health care through curved's' will be launched on June 25, by state chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal. The purpose of the campaign is to identify the incidence of old age health problems and how to tackle them..

More on Ayurveda conference in Shimla

Perils of nymphotropism

It is due to nymphotropism only that sons get separated from parents and it is rare to hear an instance of a son disowning his parents prior to his marriage, for otherwise, instances galore and are not far to seek..

More on Perils of nymphotropism

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The unenviable plight of working parents

Working parents have to juggle the twin demands of being responsible parents as well as professionals. Meeting both goals successfully is not an easy job, as workplaces are getting busier and pressure ridden and children more demanding..

More on The unenviable plight of working parents

Unhealthy sex and the pity it evokes

With lot of sex-related crimes taking place, the divinity of sex has been brought down to mere shame and scandals. Sex unless enjoyed the way it is envisaged in the scriptures, is but an ugly act. Healthy sex should evoke a sense of piety, not pity..

More on Unhealthy sex and the pity it evokes

Monday, June 23, 2008

Being a girl

As I decided to write on women issues, I found myself up the creek. It is, indeed, a daring job demanding spunk in you to produce such ‘real’ incidents. So here I am, writing my first such piece; not going far, I pen down my experiences..

More on Being a girl

Save water, save life!

Water crisis is one of the major issues that the world is facing and it is the responsibility, perhaps the duty of each one of us to contribute towards water management. Intelligent utilisation of water resources is the need of the hour..

More on Save water, save life!

Friday, June 20, 2008

When we are pained

It is a good idea to release pain so that it causes little or no injury and then eventually vanishes into thin air. We must remember that we can only grow with a sense of responsibility. If this can happen, then we can be responsible for our own pain..

More on When we are pained

Impending Diabetic Tsunami!

Incidence of Diabetes, closely related to life style, is alarmingly going up in India targeting the young. One in every five diabetics in the world is an Indian. Urgent measures are needed to tackle this as the 'diabetic tsunami' is soon going to hit..

More on Impending Diabetic Tsunami!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Red Fort charms foreign tourists

India is witnessing encouraging trends in the tourism sector with foreign tourist inflows touching five million mark in the year 2007. Domestic tourism is also a key driver. The “Incredible India” campaign has led to immense interest and awareness..

More on Red Fort charms foreign tourists

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Malls: Generating employment for the lower class

The shopping malls are not only making the lives of upper middle class more easier, but have also given the people from the lower strata an opportunity to improve their living standards by providing them ample employment opportunities..

More on Malls: Generating employment for the lower class

Cell phones: The cause for lethal ailments?

One of the greatest inventions of mankind, cell phones, has been the topic of debate right since its invention. The electromagnetic waves emitted from mobile phones can seriously damage the tissues of the users' brain, leading to fatal consequences..

More on Cell phones: The cause for lethal ailments?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mere Baap Pehle Aap: A review

The movie does not have memorable performances, and not at all an unforgettable storyline. But as a whole, the story is able to make you laugh, amaze you with a few very sweet moments that the script throws up and unwind totally. Worth a watch!.

More on Mere Baap Pehle Aap: A review

Monday, June 16, 2008

Self medication is harmful

Medicines are important to help us get cured at the right time. But popping medicines on our own, without the doctor's consult can become fatal. Here are some few list of medicine, which gives adverse reaction when taken on our on...

More on Self medication is harmful

When youngsters drink and drive

Driving under the influence of liquor should never be encouraged – drinks dull the senses and even if it is in the dead of night or deserted roads, accidents can happen at any moment. It should be in the interest of all to take necessary precautions..

More on When youngsters drink and drive

A clash of Commissions

Is it right for young women to join the convent at 18 and risk their share of property getting donated to the church authorities? Justice Sreedevi doesn't think so. According to her, a girl joins a convent, merely under family pressure...

More on A clash of Commissions

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Changing relationship of father and child

Aarushi’s story is just like a message, not only for children but also for parents to bring their children nearer to them. It is their affection, which has the power to abstain them from unsocial and uncivilised practices of the present era..

More on Changing relationship of father and child

Pretty men!

A woman's territory and beauty treatments are now being lapped up by men. They are eager to look prettier and this new-age man is not embarrassed being open about his fad for looking good. There are a lot of takers for this among men, age no bar..

More on Pretty men!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Religious quibblings

A lot has been said and done in the name of religion but hardly anybody tries to frame it in the right mold. In fact, in India religion is still a subject of mythology and philosophical speculations, which are merely the hallmark of entertainment..

More on Religious quibblings

Mega Bite gets ready for another fishing season

A stellar attraction of Virginia Beach inshore fishing is undoubtedly the excellent striped bass fishing. These delicious fish migrate down the east coast and congregate in the lower Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters from November through March..

More on Mega Bite gets ready for another fishing season

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Collector's item: Currency on sale!

For currency collector's its a surprise item. Antique and error marked notes are on auction at the ebay site. Despite new currency having edged them out of the market, these notes still retain their charm, and have added premium to their market value. .

More on Collector's item: Currency on sale!

Men vs women

The issue of male versus female is there only so long as there is a case of molestation or sexual harassment. Otherwise, for all practical purposes, the distinction is superfluous..

More on Men vs women

Society: A mirage?

We often talk about society and the ill happenings in the society. And in the process, very conveniently we pass the entire blame on to the society thinking that everyone else, other than us, forms the society and is responsible for the mess..

More on Society: A mirage?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Murder of senior citizens

Senior citizens are, by nature, reluctant to move out of their own homes because of sentimental reasons. They suffer from nostalgia in trying to relive those precious lost moments they cherish in silence. The consequences are not too happy..

More on Murder of senior citizens

Pandurang S Sawant: An extraordinary common man

PS Sawant dedicated his life for the upliftment of village children who were denied basic education. He opened high schools in his village, built as a result of ‘shramdaan’, meaning donating one's labour without expecting anything in return..

More on Pandurang S Sawant: An extraordinary common man

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pre marriage course for bachelors by AIIMS

To live happily ever after is everything that a couple wants after they tie the marital knot. In order to accomplish that dream, AIIMS will be conducting a pre marriage course for those couples, planning to get married. Registration is required..

More on Pre marriage course for bachelors by AIIMS

RJs’ mission to save environment

Scientists' warn that mankind is responsible for global warming. It has set off alarm bells. To save the environment, an RJ of the Shillong Radio Ooo La La station, Bah Manik, is spreading the message of abandoning plastic from daily use..

More on RJs’ mission to save environment

Honour killings or punishment murders?

Honour killing is a punishment murder committed by family members against women or children to uphold the supposed family’s or community’s honour. But by killing for honour, has the murderer done anything honourable in the eyes of the maker?.

More on Honour killings or punishment murders?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Intensive treatment reduces diabetes complications

Presented today at the American Diabetes Association and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the results of ADVANCE show that this intensive treatment strategy has the potential to benefit millions of diabetic patients worldwide..

More on Intensive treatment reduces diabetes complications

Life: A noun or an adjective?

The word 'life' is a verb where you don’t show any action, it becomes an adjective for you. All you need to do is to flow in life whatever it gives you. When you're on the verge of loosing all hopes in life, move in the direction where you've started..

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Friday, June 6, 2008

The importance of trees

Trees are very important to our environment. It purifies air and also provides fruits, woods for human beings. But the ever-increasing population is destroying the existing forest cover, which in turn will lead to the destruction of humankind itself..

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The stock heroes

There are issues in India, which people remain indifferent to. For example, stock exchange is unduly hyped by the media for its highs and lows, while national heroes or actors who become MPs, cannot digest the din inside the Parliament..

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Senior citizens in peril

Crimes against senior citizens have seen a manifold increase in the recent past. Left at the mercy of domestic helps and neighbours, they fall an easy prey to such crimes. As a result, they have developed a life full of danger, tension and loneliness..

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Protect the environment for survival

We are the ones polluting the surroundings – whether it is the plastic bags or the exhaust fumes or the dust filled air, we just do not bother about protecting our environment. These unclean surroundings give rise to innumerable diseases..

More on Protect the environment for survival

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to prepare for a meeting with your to be in-laws

Going to meet your would-be in-laws is one of the most dreaded things in everybody's life. You don't know what to do, what to talk or how to behave, but you desperately want them to like you. Here are some tips on just the right way to their hearts..

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The topsy-turvy world of drug addicts

The influence of drugs in our lives is taking alarming proportions. The exact point of time when drugs entered the precincts of the college and gradually enticed the youth into its fold would go into a voluminous research..

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fraudulent emails harass net users

Cases of using fake identity, creating fake profiles etc are quite common to all the Internet users. Recently, a journalist had to face embarrassment since his ID was hacked by someone, who then sent mails to all his friends, asking for money..

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And they call it a man’s world!

Men do the most risky jobs in the society, pay 82 per cent of taxes in India and yet neither do they have a national commission of men to redress their grievances nor a welfare ministry to look after them. We have animal welfare ministries but not one for.

More on And they call it a man’s world!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rag pickers in modern day India

Ever wondered where does your daily garbage go? Not that you care but ask one of the rag pickers in modern day India and he would be able to tell you every nook and corner of the city where this trash gets accumulated. For them, it is their workplace!.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tobacco addiction high among Indian students

Tobacco use among the Indian students is on the rise. About 14 per cent of the students are addicted to this slow death. It's not just cigarette but they consume gutkha and bidi as well. Globally, it results in 10 deaths every minute..

More on Tobacco addiction high among Indian students

Ghayathri hosts 1st anniversary of DD Neroy gallery

The first anniversary of the DD Neroy gallery was celebrated on May 28. It was hosted by Ghayathri Desai and Ram Neroy. They displayed 52 works of 25 artists. Desai also gave a brief interview and told about her life and career..

More on Ghayathri hosts 1st anniversary of DD Neroy gallery

Friday, May 30, 2008

The fever of Civil Service Examination

Thousands of students prepare for the Civil Services Examination of Union Public Services Commission every year. There are many coaching 'shops' across the country for the same that give out farce claims of cent per cent success to the candidates..

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reliance STD plan revives family bonds

Today, making a STD phone call is not a bother. Almost all cellular service providers have cut down STD call rates. But, Reliance's latest plan of rupees 496, gives its callers flexibility to talk more on STD calls at a minimal call rate. .

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Reliance STD plan revives family bonds

Today, making a STD phone call is not a bother. Almost all cellular service providers have cut down STD call rates. But, Reliance's latest plan of rupees 496, gives its callers flexibility to talk more on STD calls at a minimal call rate. .

More on Reliance STD plan revives family bonds

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The god fearing Indians

We Indians have tremendous faith in god. When in trouble, we turn to him and pray for redemption. Even children learn this and when they are passing in front of any temple they bow their heads and pray, especially during examination time..

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Rent an apartment in Prague

With all the convenience, independence and freedom, and the services and facilities of a hotel, the Prague Rent Apartment is the best of both worlds. The apartments are also within walking distance of the centre of Prague's beautiful old town..

More on Rent an apartment in Prague

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indian clothing making global impact

The Indian look is in vogue all around the world. Both, men and women are trying to look ethnic yet chic, feels ace designer Manish Malhotra. Not just the Indian clothes but everything Indian, from 'agarbattis' to 'mehndi', are very popular abroad.

More on Indian clothing making global impact

Friday, May 23, 2008

Scribes, please shun the tobacco

There is a general perception amongst media persons that good thoughts come to their minds only after taking a puff or chewing tobacco. Pressure of meeting the deadlines is very demanding and at that time, they feel tobacco is the best companion.

More on Scribes, please shun the tobacco

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Measures to prevent kids from committing suicide

When children take the extreme step of ending their lives, their families and school authorities are taken by surprise. They wonder why and how it happened. However, no one takes any decision all of a sudden – there are certain indications.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Measures to prevent kids from committing suicide

When children take the extreme step of ending their lives, their families and school authorities are taken by surprise. They wonder why and how it happened. However, no one takes any decision all of a sudden – there are certain indications.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Foreign language as a career

Academic qualifications in foreign languages help in pursuing careers in the areas of tourism, entertainment, public relations and mass communication, international organisations, diplomatic service, publishing, interpretation and translation etc.

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A Jain hospital exclusively for birds

Next to Chandni Chowk, a unique hospital is situated where only birds are admitted. It was founded in 1956 on the Jain principle of aversion to killing. People bring all species of wounded birds here for treatment that are set free after recovering.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Learn from criticisms

It is important that we introspect and analyse our actions and thoughts. But never give others the liberty to question your abilities because this world values only flattery, sycophancy and sweet-talk more than perfection and silent efforts.

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Expression has many forms

Communication knows no bounds, it has been in existence since a time when even languages were not evolved. Ishaan, the character from the movie Taare Zameen par, was bad at reading and writing but his paintings were expressive beyond belief.

More on Expression has many forms

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Theatre : A neglected art form

Theatre is considered as the most difficult stage to perform. But unfortunately, it is dying due to lack of support. However, there are still many budding artistes, who are taking to it, not as a career, but as a hobby. Dheeraj is one such artiste.

More on Theatre : A neglected art form

Don’t lose yourself and you have it all

Career has become a routine word in every household that is often discussed. Creativity when put into practice gives satisfaction, peace of mind and the happiness that one longs for. Find your own niche and enjoy!

More on Don’t lose yourself and you have it all

Saturday, May 17, 2008

HTC Touch: Touch, push and explore...

In the digital mobile world where technology is reaching new heights – new age mobile phones offer smart features for smart communications experience. Smartphones have opened a new vista for the corporate world.

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HTC Touch: Touch, push and explore...

In the digital mobile world where technology is reaching new heights – new age mobile phones offer smart features for smart communications experience. Smartphones have opened a new vista for the corporate world.

More on HTC Touch: Touch, push and explore...

Nokia 6300: Simple yet effective

In the age where high-end devices and glitzy mobiles are the most 'in thing’, Nokia gets back to basics with Nokia 6300. At just 91gms, the handset is feature-rich, smart and comfortable to use.

More on Nokia 6300: Simple yet effective

Stop sexual harassment! The mission is possible

In a country, which worships women in several forms, the rise in the cases of sexual harassment against women is ironical. The women should shed their tolerant attitude and strongly resist any such attempts.

More on Stop sexual harassment! The mission is possible

Tips to prevent your tattoos from fading

Apart from being just an art, tattoos have become a symbol of one's personality. Thus the craze for tattoos have risen over the years. The major issue is maintaining these. There are a few steps that one can take to prevent tattoos from fading.

More on Tips to prevent your tattoos from fading

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to know if you’re dating a liar

When you meet a new guy through the internet or a club, it is hard to tell who he really is. Unless met through your friends or a group trip, you can fall prey to a bad experience. Caution is required while making friends through the internet.

More on How to know if you’re dating a liar

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gold rush : Is it worth the money?

Indians' appetite and liking for gold is well known. This has resulted in a rise of jewellery companies. But a majority of the companies sell impure gold, despite promising otherwise. Only a handful of showrooms sell certified jewellery.
More on Gold rush : Is it worth the money?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Family divorce and mediation

Marriage is a contract between two persons to live together in harmony based on self-respect, love and dignity. Any breach in the relationship is taken as an affront of the understanding initially agreed upon that breaks the fabric of conjugal life.

More on Family divorce and mediation

Monday, May 12, 2008

The CNG version of Fiat Palio to be launched soon

Fiat Palio will be introducing its CNG version by 2009. It will be the first eco-friendly car to be launched in India. Other cars thats in the pipeline includes the Grand Punto and Linea, which would be manufactured locally.

More on The CNG version of Fiat Palio to be launched soon

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Motherhood touches all

The word 'mother' brings a gush of warmth to one's heart. Mothers are special beings. They make each one of us feel super-special. But motherhood isn't just limited to women. This innate feeling is present in all living creatures.

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A 5-year-old: The youngest mother on record

She was just five years old when she delivered a baby boy! Shocking it may sound, but it's a real incidence that happened in 1939. The person behind her pregnancy could not be tracked down. Her child expired from a bone-marrow disease when he was 40.
More on A 5-year-old: The youngest mother on record

Friday, May 9, 2008

Do opposites attract?

They say 'opposites attract'. Is there any logical or scientific reason behind this? Aren’t we often inclined to mix the external features and likings with the inner values and personality types? Whereas both the aspects should be treated differently.

More on Do opposites attract?

Mothers Day: A show of affection or a mere ritual?

In India, the affection towards mothers is waning. Women are subject to suffering. The apparent show of respect towards women is meaningless. Too much of feminism cannot restore honour for motherhood. Female literacy can.

More on Mother's Day: A show of affection or a mere ritual?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life of third genders

We tease them when we see eunuchs. But have we ever thought what are we actually laughing at? At them or at god's creations? We don't delve in their pains. A little change in our attitude and behaviour can make a big difference in their lives.

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STD and ISD rates to go down !

Finally, there is some good news for mobile users. Private cellular operators have now slashed their STD and ISD rates. This massive reduction is the result of tariff rules gazetted by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India last month.

More on STD and ISD rates to go down !

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

From angry young man to cool dude

Anger is one of the greatest enemies of humans. When we are angry, we tend to blame others and punish them for our problems. However, relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation help view a provoking situation in a calmer way.

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In the throes of a crisis

Snake charmers in Orissa are facing livelihood crisis following the government ban on catching snakes and exhibiting them in public. While wildlife officials raise concern over the lives of the reptiles, the snake charmers demand a job alternative.

More on In the throes of a crisis

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reverse brain drain: Push factors now pull back!

Many Indians working in countries like America, France, Britain for professional gains have started returning back. They have reversed the brain drain syndrome by settling and starting various corporate ventures in India.

More on Reverse brain drain: Push factors now pull back!

Discovering life beyond classrooms

Teachers must be remembered with sweet memories and not as a person with a cane. Teaching is about building confidence of students, promoting good values, making students hold up their bubbling spirits, and shaping students as good human beings.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Dieting the right way

There is a mushroom growth of 'weight loss centres' all across the world. People are making obscene money telling others how to lose weight. But what works for A might not work for B; its all about dieting the right way.

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